Tag Archive: Updates


We have been extremely busy these last two weeks. We have planted the garden for this year, cleaned out the nursery, set up the office/guest room, Scottish Heritage Day at Abilene State Park, and giving Zedd some antibiotics for his feline acne.

For our garden this year, we are hoping things grow and produce like they should. I don’t know if we are being optimistic or not, but we planted a lot of things. We have: 2 zucchini, 4 cucumbers, 2 broccoli, 6 cauliflower, 4 green beans, 6 sweet banana peppers, 6 cubano peppers, 4 cherry tomatoes, 4 yellow pear tomatoes, 4 cherokee purple tomatoes, 2 cabbage, 4 basil bunches, 8 pea bunches, and a thyme bush. We also bought some catnip, but we haven’t planted that yet. We are hoping for a lot of veggies and the ability to share with neighbors and friends. ๐Ÿ™‚






















We have had a lot of really good weather, so we have all been spending a lot of time outside. I really like this time of year and the awesome weather we get. Glad we haven’t ย gotten any of the nasty weather that areas around us have been getting.

We spent our Easter weekend moving the office to the front room so we have an empty room for the nursery. It was a lot of work, but we finally finished the moving part. We don’t quite have everything where we would like it in the new office/guest room, but we are working on it. I will put pictures up later after we get it finished. It might not be until June or so since we have a lot of things planned in the next couple weeks. But they will be up at some point.

Last weekend, Darrell had a gig with the Abilene Pipers at the Abilene State Park for Scottish Heritage Day. We had a lot of fun and it was a gorgeous day for it (even if a little windy :P)

I also realized that yesterday has been 2 years since we closed on the house! Boy does time fly when you actually have stuff to do ๐Ÿ™‚

We can’t wait until August and are excited to meet our little Pixel. We still haven’t come up with names, but we still have a couple months. Everything has been looking good at the last couple appointments. I am currently measuring 2 weeks ahead, so who knows what the next few months will bring. We are about 23.5 weeks along with 16.5 to go. Here are some pictures we took in our backyard. The first two were taken on Friday, the last two were taken on Saturday (hence the two separate outfits).

Enjoy your spring!

Hey y’all!

We have finally made it to the 20 week mark. Which means we are halfway through the pregnancy! We have another week and a half until our level 2 ultrasound. We are excited to see Pixel again and make sure that everything is going good.


I have also been given permission from the midwife and the doctor to travel to Seattle at the end of April for my cousin’s wedding. I am really excited as many of the family I will see there I haven’t seen since my wedding almost three years ago. It means that I don’t get to go to the Beerfestival, but that’s ok.


As the title of the post says, we have been really busy lately. Darrell has had a lot of gigs with the Abilene Pipers the last couple of weekends, so we have gone there. There was the roller derby and then there was a St. Patty’s Day gig at a local bar. These are some photo’s from the gigs and with Darrell in a Kilt.

Roller Derby:

St. Patty’s Day:

We have also had quite a bit of nice weather lately, so we have spent a lot of time outside. The cats have really loved it. We have loved it as well! I’m so glad it is spring. I love how everything turns green. Granted, most of the green you see in the pictures are actually weeds and not the grass. The grass is still brown and dead. No idea if it is ever going to grow back.

We have also been working on clearing out the office to make it into the nursery. We are going to move our office into the front room/guest room. There are a lot of things in the two rooms, so we are going through everything and finding stuff to get rid of. There is still a lot more to go through, but we have almost finished cleaning up the guest room. About half of the office has been cleared out. Still a lot more to do, but it is slowly getting done.

While cleaning up the office, we found a bolt of fabric that we forgot about. We absolutely love it and are planning on using it as a theme idea for the nursery. It gives us a color scheme and some ideas for stuff and is totally gender neutral. We shall see how the nursery ends up.


Hope everyone is having a happy Spring!




I don’t know if many of you have checked in the last few days, but I decided to change the layout of our webpage. Unfortunately, when I did that, I ended up accidentally preventing myself from being able to log in. (D’oh!)

So I had to have Darrell fix it for me (it’s so nice to have tech support in my own house :P).

Darrell did end up fixing it (as you can tell), and told me that he didn’t like the new layout. So I made him sit here with me and pick one we liked. It took us a little bit and a few changes, but we are happy (for the time being) with what we got

I hope that y’all like the new layout. Darrell changed his website as well (and added a link on the right hand side of the page) if you are so inclined to head over that way. Can’t always tell you what it will be on, but it’s there!

I was having a good week thus far relaxing after coming home to a broken pizza stone that the cats knocked off of the top of the fridge (and it landed on Poleeko’s tail, but he is okay). We had unpacked and were just relaxing while getting ready for Lorna to come visit and me to head to Houston to visit de Mort. It wasn’t going to be relaxing for long. ๐Ÿ™

We had ordered a futon so that we would have the bed space in the extra room for when people come to visit and it was going to be delivered before Lorna arrived. I figured that giving the company 3 weeks was long enough to allow them to get stuff together and make a trip to Dallas to pick up the futon. I hadn’t heard anything so I called them on Tuesday and at first they were like “we can’t guarantee any specific delivery.” I was really irritated since before we ordered the sales guy said it would only take about 2 weeks to get. They finally told me that they would have it shipped instead and we should have it before Thursday night. So my fingers are crossed for that.

Then this morning, I drove my jeep to work and 1.5 hours later, when I was getting off the route, my coworkers asked me what was leaking under my jeep. Turns out I had a huge puddle the size of the hood under the car that had accumulated in the little amount of time I was gone. It was antifreeze, so I was thinking I might have to replace the radiator again. I headed straight over to the mechanic (as if you get there early, they usually have a little more time to fix things). I was hoping for a quick fix, but I am out of luck. Turns out that my water pump has a hole in it. Since you have to basically take apart half the engine to replace the water pump, it’s going to cost a pretty penny. :/ As long as he gets it fixed before I leave Friday morning so that Darrell and Lorna have a car to get around this weekend.

It’s Official! We are going to be in Southern California for Christmas!!! We bought our tickets last night. I am really excited since we haven’t spent a holiday with my family since 2008. Plus we will get some more time with our niece and get to meet our nephew who is due in less than 2 weeks. We are excited (or at least I am :P).

So that is what has been up in the last 3 days. There should be more coming in the next few weeks.

This has been a busy month!

I have driven to a lot of football games. I have been incredibly busy at work doing a lot of little things.

This past weekend was the beginning of my month long of busy weekends of traveling. I drove a group up to Lubbock. While I was in Lubbock, my dad called and said that they were going to be in my area and wanted to stop and stay with us. So when I got back yesterday I got to spend time with my dad and uncle. It was so much fun!

This weekend I have to drive back to Lubbock on Friday night. Back home by early Saturday morning and then heading down to Fredericksburg for Oktoberfest and then Austin for the Bat Cruise. Then it is our trip to Phoenix. My mom is going to travel out to see us and is going to bring the baby. So I will get to see my niece!!!

I’m so excited for this month! But alas, I know that it is going to fly by and it will be over all to soon.

Hope y’all have a wonderful month planned!

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