Tag Archive: Sprout

So, for those of you who aren’t friends with us on facebook, we have let the cat out of the bag and have shared Sprouts name and gender.

Darrell and I found out what gender Sprout was during our ultrasound on January 2. We have tried to keep it a secret since then and it was really hard. Some friends have informed us that we had let the gender slip while talking about Sprout by using pronouns.

It took us about 3 weeks to come up with a name for Sprout that we both agreed on and we are completely happy with our choice. We did tell some people Sprout’s initials after we decided and many thought that that was even meaner than keeping the gender a secret. 🙂

So… without further ado… Our little Sprout has grown up and is now Edward Julian Ross. We are having our second boy. So far all of the ultrasounds have said the same thing, so hopefully he doesn’t surprise us after delivery. 🙂

We have been referring to him as baby EJ for now and it will most likely stick for awhile as we really don’t like the nickname Eddie.

Baby EJ is still kicking up a storm and is now older than his brother Pixel. I love feeling him move so that I know he is still alive in there. We have just over 9 weeks to go to meet this little man and are totally excited for it.

30 Weeks

I had this update filled out on Tuesday when I really was 30 weeks. I had to wait until I could get online and post it. I will post a picture to accompany it once we get our new place and a better internet connection.

Week 30

Weekly Updates:

How far along: 30 weeks – 75% of the way there!

Baby’s size: Large Cabbage – Your baby rival a good-size cabbage in weight, tipping the scales this week at 3 pounds. (Length: about 15.75 inches, head to heel.)

Sleep: It has been rough because of the traveling and what not, but hoping it gets better once we stop traveling.

Maternity Clothes:  Yeppers. They are still just larger size. Nothing is Maternity specific yet.

Food Cravings: I have been craving hamburgers lately. I think it is just because of the traveling and I haven’t been eating the protein I am use to.

Food Aversions: Still having a hard time with spicy things.

Symptoms I have: The hemorrhoids have almost gone away. I have been watching my fiber intake and taking stool softeners and laxatives.

Doctor’s Appointment: Waiting until we get into Seattle to schedule one, so none on the address book yet.

Movement:  Feeling Sprout daily. Darrell feels the kicks every now and then.

Belly Button: Level.

Gender: Team Yellow!

What I’m looking forward to:  Getting situated in Seattle and nesting a little bit.

What I miss: Doing things without running out of breath. I am starting to have a hard time putting on my shoes and socks.

Our neighbor (also our real estate agent) was kind enough to throw us a baby shower/going away party. We invited almost everyone we knew here in town and many came out for a few minutes or longer. It was nice having a flow of people most of the day. We are really going to miss everyone here and are thankful that we got to know many of them (even though it was only a short time). We got some nice stuff for Sprout from everyone even though many of them gave us a bunch of their hand-me-downs. Once again, we were so busy having fun, we forgot to take pictures. We gave Charlene’s little girl the camera, so we have a lot of shots from a 3-year-old’s perspective. 🙂






We had a blast and it was a nice ending weekend to our time in Abilene. Definitely different than the first weekend we were here. 🙂

29 Weeks

Week 29

Weekly Updates:

How far along: 29 weeks

Baby’s size: Butternut Squash – Your baby is as big as a butternut squash, weight wise — about 2.5 pounds. Length: a tad over 15 inches, head to heel.)

Sleep: I have been sweating like crazy the last few days. No matter what the temperature inside is, I wake up in a full on pile of sweat.

Maternity Clothes: Yep.

Food Cravings: I haven’t had any actual cravings again. Nothing seems to sound appealing, so I am finding it hard to eat even though I am hungry almost every 2 hours.

Food Aversions: Still no spicy.

Symptoms I have: (Maybe TMI for some) I have been having the sweating (see sleep), and I also got one of the pregnancy symptoms no one wants. With all of the packing to move and baby sitting low, I got hemorrhoids. *sigh* At least I caught it early on and it has mostly gone away with me relaxing on what I am doing and the fact that baby flipped. Now I just have to keep a really close eye on things for the rest of the pregnancy. Oh the joys they don’t always tell you about!

Doctor’s Appointment: We had our last appointment in Abilene this morning. We have to schedule an appointment at the birth center in Seattle once we get up there. We are hoping sometime in the next 3 weeks as that would be when our next doctors appointment would be here.

Movement: Very regular. The other day, Sprout felt like a little starfish with all the limbs all over the place. I wasn’t sure exactly was going on, but found out today that it most likely was when Sprout flipped from Breech to head down. So yay!

Belly Button: Level.

Gender: Team Yellow!

What I’m looking forward to: Tomorrow being over. It is our last really busy day as we are loading the truck tomorrow. Then we just finish the little stuff by Friday!

What I miss: Being comfortable when laying down. I can’t seem to get comfortable on one side or the other, so I am constantly flipping over. I think it drives Darrell a little batty! 😛

Today was our last ultrasound here in Abilene with Dr. Maberry. We absolutely love Dr. Maberry and are sad to be leaving, but we are really excited to be moving!

Sprout was as cooperative as always. We were able to get all the measurements we needed and everything looks great. At this point, they measure baby’s approximate length by the femur bone. Sprout is measuring about 31 weeks, so we are looking at having a tall baby since Sprout has measured ahead at all of the ultrasounds. Sprout’s heartbeat has been a strong and consistent 160 bpm this whole pregnancy. Strong and easily found each and every appointment. Makes it easy on Mommy’s anxiety. 😛

Dr. Maberry also measured all the fluid around Sprout and it is measuring right on target with Sprout’s stomach being full which means the organs are working like they should be. Sprout is estimated to be about 3 pounds 6 ounces right now. That might help account for the quicker weight gain at this point in time. I have been watching what I eat, (but still craving those sweets, just trying not to overdo them) and I am still gaining about 1.5 pounds a week for the last 5 weeks. Maybe the weight gain will slow down in the third trimester. I’m not overly worried as I am currently up 25 pounds from pre-pregnancy which is where I was when I delivered Pixel and I am only 1.5 weeks away from when I delivered him. My biggest problem with the weight gain is really the lack of exercise. I know it, but it is so hard to motivate yourself around here. I’m looking forward to Seattle and hopefully we will find a place near a nice walking path that we can go for walks later. We shall see. This move is probably not going to help for the time being. 🙂

Pictures from the ultrasound: Face:


Feet (since Sprout likes to stick the foot out in front of the camera each and every time):


The one on the left is when Sprout stuck the foot up between the camera and face. Sprout was playing with the foot the whole ultrasound.

So, that’s it. Sprout looks great and we have two more appointments here before we move. I have to get my records and then once we get up to Seattle, call the birthing center to set up an appointment with them. Then they will refer me to the MFM there. So it might be close to 4-6 more weeks before we see Sprout again. Luckily for us, one of our friends just brought us over her fetal heartbeat monitor she doesn’t need anymore, so during the move, we will be able to listen to Sprout whenever we want. The movement has been helpful, but hearing the heartbeat is a lot more reassuring. 🙂

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