Hey All,

It has been awhile as Darrell and I have been really busy with school and work. I am getting ready to graduate and then I can spend way more time on planning this full shindig! As Darrell has said, we have talked to the Woodlands people and our date is set as May 30, 2009. We have reserved the Woodlands from May 29-30. I have talked to many of you invited, and I have only gotten a positive yes on Staying on Sunday from about 15 people, so as of right now, we are NOT planning on reserving the place for Sunday night as well.

Darrell should be putting more pictures on here sometime in the next month or so. We are going to go back to the woodlands in early May so that we can look around and see it when it isn’t pouring rain. We will also hopefully be getting more pictures and then will be able to work on logistics and everything. We are chugging right along at what we feel is an appropriate pace. We will be sending out Save the Date cards sometime this summer, so if you move, let us know!
