Tag Archive: Random

Good News

So I got some good news today….


The head nurse supervisor called me and said that they had been misplaced, but they were found. They haven’t been processed yet, so she is sending them to be processed and then will call me when they are done. I should hear back in about 2-3 weeks (Why it takes that long, I shall never know).

I’m just glad they found them. So hopefully by October, we will have the photos.

So we are at 1/4 for good things this month. I am hoping that we get all four, but only time will tell.

It has been 22 days since we said goodbye to Pixel. There have been good moments and there have been sad moments. Whenever I see someone who is about as far along as I would be, I get sad and think about the things that could have been. For the most part we are ok though. There will be the few days where we remember and we will have to take a moment to grieve that thought and then continue on. Nothing seems to be easy for this journey of ours.

I have spent a lot of the last week thinking about labels and what communities that those labels put you in. Labels are either given to you or you chose that label. Some don’t have a good label, but the community is definitely there whether you know about it before or after you are slapped with the label.

Take me for example:

Since my birth, I was labeled as a female, daughter, sister, school child, band geek, friend and many others before I even finished High School. The only ones I really *chose* are the labels of band geek and friend.

In College, I chose almost all of the labels I was given. Bus driver, student, girlfriend, roommate, and employee. These are all normal labels that people give and many of them have small communities that go with them. You don’t always stay in the same community with the same label though. Not everything is pure black and white.

After college, I chose to be labeled Wife, graduate, cat owner, homeowner, and School bus driver. Then we had chosen to attempt to add the label of mother to the list. As many of you know, it has been a rough journey and we have been added to a lot of communities with a lot of labels since then.

The first is the label of Infertile. There is a huge community and it has been a rough road, but we have fully embraced this label. We are willing to talk about it with people and help others learn about it if that is what they want. I wouldn’t say that we are exactly spokespeople for infertility, but for our friends who have no idea about it, I feel we fill that role.

Then we got pregnant and we finally joined the community of Expecting parents. This is one label and community we were thrilled to join.

On December 22, 2011, we found out we joined another community – Parents of Multiples. What a shocker!

Then January 3, 2012, we joined another community – Miscarriage. It was rough, but we still had one to be hopeful for.

Our community list and labels grew immensely on May 31, 2012. We became new members to the communities of Stillbirth, Encephalocele, Amniotic Band Syndrome, CLIMB and LAMBS. Some of these are fairly large communities, while some are small communities.

The one label that I am proud to have is the label of Mother that Pixel gave me on that fateful day. It is a label that I will wear with pride even though I do not have him here with me. I might never change his diaper, hear him cry, or get to know him the way other mothers do, but I am his mother all the same.

I haven’t been given the label yet, but we know that with the next pregnancy, we will be given the label of “high-risk” no matter how many babies we conceive. It will be rough as we won’t feel completely ok with the pregnancy until we hear baby cry. I don’t want to add any more labels to our conception journey, but we have to keep trying otherwise we will never know.

The world is a rough place. I am glad that I have someone strong to help me walk through it and face the next steps together.

Hey y’all!

We have finally made it to the 20 week mark. Which means we are halfway through the pregnancy! We have another week and a half until our level 2 ultrasound. We are excited to see Pixel again and make sure that everything is going good.


I have also been given permission from the midwife and the doctor to travel to Seattle at the end of April for my cousin’s wedding. I am really excited as many of the family I will see there I haven’t seen since my wedding almost three years ago. It means that I don’t get to go to the Beerfestival, but that’s ok.


As the title of the post says, we have been really busy lately. Darrell has had a lot of gigs with the Abilene Pipers the last couple of weekends, so we have gone there. There was the roller derby and then there was a St. Patty’s Day gig at a local bar. These are some photo’s from the gigs and with Darrell in a Kilt.

Roller Derby:

St. Patty’s Day:

We have also had quite a bit of nice weather lately, so we have spent a lot of time outside. The cats have really loved it. We have loved it as well! I’m so glad it is spring. I love how everything turns green. Granted, most of the green you see in the pictures are actually weeds and not the grass. The grass is still brown and dead. No idea if it is ever going to grow back.

We have also been working on clearing out the office to make it into the nursery. We are going to move our office into the front room/guest room. There are a lot of things in the two rooms, so we are going through everything and finding stuff to get rid of. There is still a lot more to go through, but we have almost finished cleaning up the guest room. About half of the office has been cleared out. Still a lot more to do, but it is slowly getting done.

While cleaning up the office, we found a bolt of fabric that we forgot about. We absolutely love it and are planning on using it as a theme idea for the nursery. It gives us a color scheme and some ideas for stuff and is totally gender neutral. We shall see how the nursery ends up.


Hope everyone is having a happy Spring!



I got this off of some blog that I came across while wandering around Google. Thought it would be interesting.

Note: TTC means Trying to Concieve

A. Age when you started TTC: 24

B. Baby Dancing or Sex: Both, but neither does us very much good. :/

C. Children wanted: We want 4. Whether they come to us via pregnancy or adoption.

D. Dogs/Cats/Fill in Children: 2 cats. Zeddicus & Poleeko.

E.  Essential Oils/Vitamins/Snake Oils: Prenatal vitamins and Vitamin C.

F. Fertility Meds I’ve taken: Clomid (100 mg/day), Estradiol (4 mg/day), Ovidrel, Prometrium, Menopur (75-150 iu/day)

G. Gain: Have gone up and down. I have actually lost a total of 15 pounds since I started fertility treatments.

H. HSG (Hystosalpingogram):  Did in July 2011

I.  Infertile Pet Peeves: There are a few. Usually when I get irritated, I call my best friend or mom and complain and then I feel better. I learned that I need to realize that for some it will just be easier.

J. Job title: School Bus Driver.

K. Kid’s names you’re afraid will be taken by the time you can use them: We haven’t really decided on any. Our thought is that if we like it, we will use it no matter what. 🙂

L. Length of time TTC: 27 months and counting

M.  Miscarriages: None.

N. Number of times you’ve switched OB/GYNS, REs, FSs: Have had 1 OB, 1 RE and 2 Urologists since TTC. Will be switching OB/GYN soon as I am not happy with the office staff of my current OB/GYN.

O. Ovarian quality: As far as we know, it is great!

P. POAS or wait for AF: I like to wait for AF’s time. I like to give her a week before I POAS. With the IUI, I waited until the Blood test and didn’t POAS.

Q. Quote from an obnoxious fertile: There were a couple obnoxious quotes, but I was in a very bad spot when they were said. Looking back, they were said out of Love and we know we are loved by everyone – fertile or not. 🙂

S. Sperm: Azoospermia. 🙁 Therefore we are using donor.

T. Time you tried naturally: 16 Months. We haven’t been trying naturally due to the diagnosis.

U. Uterus quality: Doc says it is great!

V. Vagina: Working just fine thank you. 🙂

W. What baby stuff do you already have?: We haven’t really wanted to buy anything as it would just be a constant reminder of what we don’t have. We do have some of Darrell’s toys from when he was younger. We went somewhere and found some natural teethers, so we have those, but they are in a bag on the upper shelf of a closet we hardly get into.

X.  X-tra X-tra Hear all about it! How many people know the ins and outs of our crazy TTC journey? Most people know that we have to go through treatment. I don’t always get on the phone and call people though. I keep our blog updated and if people want to know what is going on, they check out the blog.

Y. Yearly Exam (do you still go in even though someone sees your lady parts most months?): I plan on doing it, but I just started this whole infertility treatment the month after my yearly checkup, so it hasn’t come back around yet.

Z.  Zits: Same as always. A medium breakout around AF.

I am feeling a little better. We had a relaxing weekend. It was nice, so we let the cats outside. Here is my favorite photo of the weekend:

Zedd enjoyed rolling around on the cool cement and the attention Darrell gave him.

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