Tag Archive: Random

I had posted in my weekly updates about how I had an appointment on Wednesday (5/29). I also posted about how I haven’t been getting much sleep.

Well….. The midwife did not like that at all. 🙁

I have been taking walks and bouncing on my exercise ball to try to get this stubborn little boy out of me and into my arms. I have been getting contractions, but they haven’t been timeable so we can head out for delivery. We told the midwife this and I was still having small contractions when we went into our appointment. However, they feel as though it is just prodromal labor (basically early, early labor so my body is gearing up, but it isn’t quite ready to do anything significant) and they want me to be able to get some sleep so I can make sure that I have enough energy for when actual labor kicks in. I have to say this was very distressing to me as I have been trying so hard to get the sleep but I either can’t get comfortable, I have to wake up for the bathroom, or the contractions wake me up.

So after a little bit of talking, we finally came to realize that what was probably helping keep me up was hidden anxiety. We were within a week of the anniversary of our stillbirth, EJ has been running out of room so he doesn’t move as much which drives me batty, and I am full of anxiousness just wanting him out.

So the “prescription” for me was to get all of my fluids in before 6pm so that I am not up for the bathroom as often, get a late massage and then relax and get some sleep, take calcium/magnesium to help calm the uterine contractions down so they don’t wake me up quite as often, and to take a long sitz water bath. Not all necessarily on the same night, but working around to get the sleep. This is how things are going so far:

1.) No fluids after 6 – I don’t even get out of bed until after 10am and I go to bed around midnight. If I don’t have fluids after 6, I will be going about 16 hours without any fluids which then will make me feel dehydrated and then the uterine contractions will get worse. Plus I take my prenatals at night and the calcium/magnesium is suppose to be taken with a glass of something so it isn’t as tart. Basically, I don’t do this one. 🙁

2.) Get a late massage – I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do this one as our budget is really tight since we had to pay for the birth center out of pocket. However, Darrell pushed and made sure I got one (as an anniversary present) and we scheduled it for about an hour after our midwife appointment. Now, they don’t usually do a massage on women so far along in pregnancy, but if you are earlier, I would recommend it! It was awesome! I was a little uncomfortable because my belly was a little bigger than what the preggo pillow would allow, but it still felt good. When the masseuse hit my lower back/butt area, it was really painful. I have so many knots that it hurts. He worked on all of them and got a decent amount of them loosened up. It really helped with the hip pain at night. I will admit it was painful to get up off the table afterwards and I was sore for a good 24 hours but then it all loosened up and felt great! I slept for 5 hours straight that night before a bathroom trip and then another 4.5 hours afterwards. If I wasn’t so close to delivery, I would definitely go back again.

3.) Calcium/Magnesium – The midwife gave us a container of powder calcium/magnesium to take. When you mix the powder into a liquid, it fizz’s like crazy (a lot like Emergen-C). We had some gatorade in the car to drink during labor, so Darrell brought one bottle in and has been mixing those together. It tastes like a fizzy sweet-tart. It is suppose to calm the uterine contractions so that the prodromal labor isn’t so hard on me at night. I was a little skeptical, but it worked. It worked enough that I have only probably had about 6 contractions I have actually had to focus on in the last two days. Makes me a little sad because it seems as though Edward is going to hang out forever! 🙁 I was so hoping he was going to be early since he is measuring big (which he is still measuring 2 weeks ahead).

4.) Long, sitz water bath – Darrell had to go out and buy some drain plugs as our bathrooms didn’t come with them, but I finally took a long hot bath last night. Our tubs here are really small, so I barely fit and there wasn’t a lot of water. (Made me really miss my huge Texas tub) But I relaxed in the tub with the cats sitting on the bathroom floor. It was relaxing while it lasted. Darrell had to help me out as I couldn’t bend enough to drain the tub or even to actually get up without slipping. (I didn’t try to, I made sure he was going to come help before I even got in). I might take another one before Edward arrives, but probably doubtful. I did sleep a bunch again last night though.

So even after all of those “prescriptions”, the midwife also had a doppler that another patient had given her, so now when I get anxious and Edward doesn’t move, we can use a doppler to find him and make sure his heart is beating. If we really get worried, we can call and they will send us in for a BPP/NST (bio-physical profile/non-stress test – they hook me up to monitors to make sure baby is moving like he is suppose to and there are not heart decels and also do an ultrasound to measure baby’s size and amniotic fluid level). We still have a little bit of time before it is required (they require BPP/NST’s after 41 weeks just to make sure baby is fine) so we said no for now. I think now that I have passed Pixel’s anniversary, I have relaxed a bit and just need to continue to relax until Edward arrives.

I really felt pressured and ganged-up on at the midwife appointment which, of course, made me cry. I was tired but not able to sleep and was frustrated, feeling like everyone was telling me I wasn’t doing my best to sleep. But after all of this, I have actually slept more in the last two days than I probably have in the last two weeks. So as much as I hated it, they were right and now I am starting to get some more rest where I feel like a normal person again.

So ready for all these preggo hormones to be gone right now. 🙁

4 years!

4 years ago yesterday, I married this man:


And even though the last 4 years have had a lot of ups and downs, we are still going strong and are excited to be expecting Edward any day now. Time sure does fly.

So here is to many more years as a disgustingly happy couple. 😛




S&D in Belize

So.. since I did it for Pixel because we were team green, I thought I would go ahead and look through the old wives tales for little EJ as well. I know we already know the gender, but it was fun to see what we would have thought we were having had we have gone team green again. 🙂

Old Wives Tale #1:  Heart Rate

If the baby’s heart rate is above 140 bpm, it is said that the baby will be a girl.  If it is under 140 bpm, then it will be a boy.

– EJ’s heart rate has been constantly between 150-160’s. Hasn’t slowed down at all. This means girl.

Old Wives Tale #2:  Shape of Belly

If you are carrying high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl.  If you are carrying low with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it’s a boy.

– I am carrying low with a belly that sticks straight out. It is more of an egg shape than round. This indicates boy.

Old Wives Tale #3:  Ring Test

Using a string, hang your wedding ring over your pregnant belly.  You are having a girl if the ring swings back and forth  and it’s a boy if it swings in a circle.

– I haven’t done the ring test. so no idea about this one.

Old Wives Tale #4:  Shape of Mom’s Face

When your face gets fuller and rounder when pregnant, it means you’re going to have a girl.  If your face is long and narrow, it’s a boy.

– My face has actually gotten fuller and rounder. At least that’s what it looks like to me. This means girl.

Old Wives Tale #5:  Key Test

This test involves a key.  If you pick up a key at the top (the roundest part), you are going to have a boy.  If you pick up the key at the bottom (smallest part), you are going to have a girl.  If you happen to grab the key in the middle, congrats, it’s twins!

– I usually pick up the keys by the middle, but lately I have been noticing I have been picking them up by the top. So… boy it is.

Old Wives Tale #6:  Mayan Tale

The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception.  If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl.  If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way!

– I was 27 and the year was 2012 so that is odd and makes for a boy.

Old Wives Tale #7:  Drano Test

The drano test combines a tablespoon of Drano and urine together.  If the mixture turns green, it’s a girl.  If it turns blue, it’s a boy.

– I refuse to do the drano test. I have heard some bad things about it, so I won’t even give it a try.

Old Wives Tale #8:  Acne

If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl.  It’s thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones.

– I have had lots of acne lately. It is almost like a teenager just starting puberty acne. All over and I can’t get it to go away. Supposedly means a girl is on her way.

Old Wives Tale #9:  Cravings

People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy.  If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl.

– My cravings have been all over the place. The first half of the pregnancy I only wanted greasy foods. This second half, it has been all about the sweets. Haven’t really craved a lot of salty things so I would say this one is a girl indicator..

Old Wives Tale #10:  Smell of Garlic

If a pregnant woman eats a clove of garlic and the smell does not come out of her pores, it’s a girl.  If the smell seeps out of her pores, it’s a boy.

– I eat lots of garlic, but usually Darrell eats it to, so no idea whether or not the smell comes out my pores.

Old Wives Tale #11:  Skin under Left Eye

The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye.  If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl.

– No “V” or “branches”, so that means it is a boy.

Old Wives Tale #12:  Previous Kids

This tale only applies if you have had previous kids.  If you have and that child’s first word was momma, you will have a girl.  If your first child’s first word was dadda, you’ll have a boy.

– As our first passed away before birth, we can’t use this one.

Old Wives Tale #13:  History of Parent’s Kids

You can find out the sex by going off of your parent’s kids and the order.  If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child.  If you are the middle child, you will have what she had, but starting with the third child.  If you are the last child, you will have what your mother had in the exact order.  I think this tale only works when the parent’s had three kids.

– According to this one we are set for a girl. We are both first borns, and our second siblings are both a girl. Plus, our donor only has a sister. We don’t know whether he is a firstborn or not though.

Old Wives Tale #14:  Time of Conception

The person that is most aggressive in bed at the time of conception is the opposite of what the baby will be.

– This one doesn’t apply to us because I was on a table at a doctors office.

Old Wives Tale #15:  Legs

If your legs get really big, you’re having a boy.  If your legs stay in shape and lean, it’s a girl.

– I definitely have thunder thighs and they seem to be getting bigger. I hope I get them back to normal after delivery. Supposedly this means it is a boy.

Old Wives Tale #16:  Moodiness and a Little Pecker

If you are really moody, you are having a girl since you have another extra girl hormones in you. Your pregnancy will make you smile and be more happy if you are having a boy because there’s a little penis inside you.

– I am definitely moodier than I was before pregnancy. I have had days where I have hit every emotion in a 24 hour period. I feel so bad for Darrell sometimes. This indicates a girl.

Old Wives Tale #17:  Bread

If you eat the ends of bread, it’s a boy.  If you eat the middle of the load, it’s a girl.

– I eat the ends occasionally. Not on a regular basis, but if we are down to the end, I will eat the ends. So this makes it a boy or girl.

Old Wives Tale #18:  Chinese Gender Chart

The Chinese Gender Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%.  It is based on how old the mother is at conception and the month that she conceived.

– Both my conception date and due date say we are having a boy.

Old Wives Tale #19:  Mom’s Beauty

Basically you are having a girl if your beauty disappears during pregnancy.  It is said that the girl “steals” the mother’s beauty.  If you think that pregnancy has never made you look more beautiful, you might just be having a little boy.

– According to Darrell, I have never looked so good, so this leans for a boy.

Old Wives Tale #20:  Dream of Sex of Baby

If you have dreams that you are having a boy, you will have a girl.  If you dream about having a girl, it will be a boy.  Dreams show the opposite of what you are having.

– I only had dreams about baby early in the pregnancy. Those dreams were about a little girl. So this means we were set to have a boy.

Old Wives Tale #21:  Clumsy vs. Graceful

If the pregnant woman is graceful throughout her pregnancy, she’s having a girl.  If she becomes clumsy, she’s having a boy.

– I have always been clumsy. I have about the same amount of clumsiness now, so that would indicate a boy.

Old Wives Tale #22:  Toddlers

If a toddler boy expresses interest in a pregnant woman, she is having a girl.  If he doesn’t show interest, she’s having a boy.

– I have only hung around a few toddler boys during my pregnancy. All of them expressed interest in me, so this indicates a girl.

Old Wives Tale #23:  Side You Most Rest On

If a pregnant woman prefers to lay on her left side, she’s having a boy.  If she prefers resting on her right side, she’s having a girl.

– I prefer to lay on my right side about 70 percent of the time. I still lay on my left side and my back occasionally. So this would indicate a girl.

Old Wives Tale #24:  Hands

When the pregnant woman is asked to show her hands, it’s a boy if she keeps her palms down and a girl if she shows her palms up.

– I always show my hands palms up. Guess that means girl again.

Old Wives Tale #25:  Dad’s Weight Gain

If the dad-to-be gains weight while you are pregnant, it’s a girl.  If he doesn’t gain weight, you’re having a boy.

– Darrell has gained a little bit of weight this pregnancy. This indicates girl.

Old Wives Tale #26:  Breast Test

If a pregnant woman’s left breast is larger than the right breast, she’s having a girl.  If the right breast is larger, it’s a boy.

– My right breast has always been slightly larger than my left. during pregnancy, they have about evened out. I would lean more towards girl in this case.

Old Wives Tale #27:  Necklace Over Hand

Have someone hold a necklace over your hand.  If the necklace swings back and forth, it’s a boy.  If it moves in a circle, it’s a girl.

– This is another test I haven’t done and probably won’t do.

Old Wives Tale #28:  What Do You Think?

71% of the time, the mom-to-be knows what she is having.

– I spent my pregnancy (before the ultrasound) thinking it was a girl. I’m not using my thoughts after the ultrasound as we did find out the gender so it is biased. 🙂

Old Wives Tale #29:  Morning Sickness

If you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it’s a boy.  If you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl.

– I was extremely nauseous and was miserable for a good chunk of the first trimester. This is another vote for girl.

Old Wives Tale #30:  Areolae

If your areolae (the part around your nips) have darkened, it’s a boy.

– I do have to say that my areolae have darkened. Not gotten really dark, but they are definitely a shade darker. Another vote for boy.

Old Wives Tale #31:  Protein

When a pregnant woman craves meat and cheese, count on a boy.

– My biggest craving throughout this pregnancy has been a BBQ bacon cheeseburger. I have had them multiple times, but I still crave them a lot. This is definitely a vote for a boy.

Old Wives Tale #32:  Feet

Are your feet colder now that you are pregnant?  If so, you just might be having a boy.  If your feet have stayed the same before pregnancy and during, you’re having a little girl.

– So far my feet have remained about the same as before pregnancy. I do wear socks almost all of the time though. Vote for girl.

Old Wives Tale #33:  Hair on Legs

If the hair on your legs has been growing at record speeds, you might be having a boy.

– As I don’t shave my legs all that often, I have no idea how fast my leg hair has been growing. But I have been shaving my armpits and the hair has been growing like a weed. This is an indicator of a boy.

Old Wives Tale #34:  Hands are Dry

If your hands are constantly dry, it’s a boy.

– My hands are always sweaty on the palms, but the outside of the hands are definitely dry. I have been putting on tons of lotion. Giving this another boy/girl vote.

Old Wives Tale #35:  Urine

What color is your pee?  If it is bright yellow, you will have a little boy.  If your urine is a dull yellow, plan on a girl.

– I don’t know about most of y’all, but my urine changes color density depending on how much water I drink. Lots of water = dull yellow, little water = bright yellow. So here’s another boy/girl vote.

Old Wives Tale #36:  Nose

Do you feel like your nose is growing and getting wider?  If so, you might be having a boy.

– My nose isn’t growing at all. Vote for girl.

Old Wives Tale #37:  Headaches

If you are having headaches, you might be carrying a boy.

– I have (knock on wood) only gotten a few headaches this time. It has been a fairly easy going pregnancy. This leads towards a girl in my opinion.

Old Wives Tale #38:  Full Moon

A full moon was believed to cause a woman to go into labor and give birth.

– We shall see. The full moon is tonight  (May 24th) and I am not due for another 11 days. Baby is measuring full term, so I am hopeful.

Total Numbers: Girl = 15; Boy = 12; Either = 4; Not Applicable = 5

So according to this, EJ should be a girl by three votes. Pixel was suppose to be a boy by 1 vote (Pixels Old wives Tales) which he was. We found out via ultrasound this time and every ultrasound has confirmed EJ is a boy. So we are hoping there is no surprise in the delivery room. Granted I did fill out this Old Wives Tales for EJ almost 10 weeks later into the pregnancy than I did with Pixel, but oh well. Enjoy!


Today is the day we reach viability. Today is the day that if something were to happen, our baby has a slightly better chance at surviving outside the womb. Of course we want Sprout to continue to grow and thus far there isn’t anything telling us that Sprout will be joining us on the outside any time soon.

So why the anxiety?

Today also marks 5.5 weeks until we reach the gestational age of our loss of Pixel. So even though we have reached viability, we are still anxious about whether we will bring Sprout home. It is rough, but Sprout is doing whatever possible to make us feel reassured. Sprout kicks and at all appointments, as soon as the doctor turns on the doppler, you can hear the heart beating loud and clear. When I feel myself starting to get anxious, I relax somewhere and just let myself try to feel Sprout. It doesn’t usually take very long before I can feel the rolls and kicks. Sunday morning was a different story and Sprout was quiet for a good chunk of the morning, so I started to get anxious, but I know that Sprout is more active at night, so I wanted to wait to see if I could feel anything that night before I got worried. Around lunch time the movement started and it dropped the anxiety a whole bunch.

I have been sitting around and not doing much at home because I am too scared to do anything for fear of losing this baby. It is a horrible position to be in. The doctors all tell me I need to take walks and get some low impact exercising in, but I am to scared that it will harm baby. My rational mind tells me that it won’t hurt baby, but the irrational half of my brain doesn’t believe it. My body failed my first born, why should I believe it will protect my second?

We have three weeks until our next appointment with a doctor. Three weeks until we get to hear Sprout’s heartbeat again. I am slightly worried about that, but I am grateful that at that point, we will have a doctors appointment once a week until we are past the gestational age of losing Pixel. It is helpful and I am glad that my doctors are understanding of my anxiety and don’t just blow me off.

So hopefully in 6 weeks I will have less anxiety and we can fully enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. I’m not saying we don’t enjoy it now, but it is different when you are just sitting there waiting for the other shoe to drop.

….I just realized that I haven’t really posted much of what we have been up to since late October, except for baby stuff. It isn’t that we aren’t busy, we are just really busy with lots of little things and I do the update on baby so that I remember later. So this post is all about what we have been up to in the last two months. 🙂

We spent Halloween at home. We put up some lights in the garage and just kind of hung out and passed out candy. There weren’t nearly as many trick-or-treaters as there was last year, but still, most of the candy we bought was passed out (We still have a small paper cup full of leftovers).

In early November, we went to the Zoo with Kelly & Liam and walked around having a blast. It was nice seeing all of the new exhibits they have put in lately since we don’t head over there all that often.


We also went with a fellow bagpiper and headed out to Big Spring for the St. Andrews Celebration. We mainly went to hear the pipe band that was playing since they were number 2 in their division in the world. It was pretty cool and we enjoyed listening to the music.

St Andrews









We also spent some time of November working on getting our cats accustomed to the cat door. The directions said it would probably take about a month or so, but we kind of forced them into it by closing them in the garage where the only way back into the house was through the door. Tough love. 🙂 It took about a week and then Poleeko was fine with it, and then a few days later, Zedd got use to it. We played with them through the door each day and gave them treats when they went through it. It was definitely a chore, but so worth it in the end. Now we have the litterbox by the garage door and we can just open the big garage door to air it out. The cats don’t seem to mind it and they seem to enjoy the fact that they have a whole new room to play in whenever they want to.


Thanksgiving was a small event since it was just the two of us at home. We just made a meal and hung around in our pajamas all day. Nothing too exciting.


Our Christmas holidays started off fast and they just haven’t slowed down. I can’t believe that December is already almost over and I still have a super long list of things to do. *sigh*

We headed out to downtown Abilene with some friends and their kids and watched the Christmas parade (which is the longest parade this town has).


We had a dinner party at a friends house on my birthday, then we had a midwife appointment, had someone come level out our backyard, had a doctors appointment, my dad and uncle came into town for a few nights, we had Darrell’s company Christmas party, and we went to Ceder Hill State Park to go camping for the weekend for a Winter Solstice Celebration with the Metroplex Atheists. This was all the first half of the month. 🙂



WS4As you can tell, the camping was full of mud and added a couple inches to our shoes everywhere we walked. It was a little rough that first night and the first morning.








The week after camping, Darrell’s mom came into town, another midwife appointment, an Apocalypse/fugly sweater party with our friends (the most people we have had in our house at one time), Poleeko goes missing for about 12 hours (actively looked for him for 4), started to organize and pack up the house, Christmas day, heater stops working on day after Christmas (18-25 degrees outside), and our house is a mess while we are packing and staging and I am beginning to think we might have to wait a week or so into the new year before it goes up on the market since we haven’t even gotten the last three items fixed in the house that we need to.

Apocalypse Party/Fugly Sweater Party:





Christmas tableCenterpiece

all of usTruffles

We even had Pixel with us. I bought this little ornament since my family custom is to buy an ornament every year for Christmas. I was hoping to start it with Pixel, but since he passed away, I felt that having a “Baby’s first” ornament wasn’t right. I went to Kohls and found this ornament and it just seemed like the best thing for me to get at the time. We put it up near the top of the tree and hopefully it will be a little memento for us every year when we bring out our ornaments.












And of course, there are the pictures of what our cats have been up to. 🙂



There are still 4 more days of this year, so who knows what will happen in those 4 days. I am hoping to finish cleaning and staging the house and we might get close as Darrell has a 4 day weekend. We are going to be going over to a friends house for New Years Eve and we are taking our liquor so that hopefully a decent chunk of it will get drunk and we won’t have to take it with us. 🙂 Then Lorna leaves early on the 1st and our Ultrasound is on the 2nd. So we still have a very busy week ahead of us. I have my fingers crossed we finish doing everything on time. Once I finish staging the house, I will post pictures.



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