Tag Archive: Pregnancy

36 Weeks

Week 36

*This is a photo my aunt took at our maternity shoot wanderings on Sunday. I will probably post some more after I go through them and see exactly which ones I like*

Weekly Updates:

How far along: 36 weeks

Baby’s size: Crenshaw Melon – Your baby, almost 6 pounds and still packing on the pounds at a rate of about an ounce a day, is comparable to a Crenshaw melon in size. (Length: more than 18.5 inches, head to heel.)

Sleep: It depends on the day. Some nights I sleep through the night and others I am constantly tossing and turning and having to get up for the bathroom.

Maternity Clothes: Yes and even most of those are starting to not fit properly. I am starting to get more limited to dresses when we actually leave the house.

Food Cravings: Unfortunately, I have still been eating those cookies like crazy! I think it is more because they are there and I am to tired to find something else. We did buy a watermelon and I have been enjoying eating that, but no set cravings on anything.

Food Aversions: There are some days where absolutely nothing sounds appealing. Overall, I am still only dealing with the spicy aversion.

Symptoms I have: Same as last week, except this week I have been having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions. They are slowly getting more painful and I have been having menstrual like cramps which the midwife has informed me is most likely real contractions and I need to watch that.

Doctor’s Appointment: Next appointment is next Tuesday. Starting to get close. None of the midwives think I will make it to my due date. We shall see what EJ decides.

Movement: He still has his dance parties, but with all the Braxton Hicks and real contractions going on, he moves his dance party to different times of the day. There is no more regularity except that he will have at least one 45 minute party a day.

Belly Button: Level. Almost done! 😛

Gender: Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: It sounds weird, but I am actually looking forward to labor. I know it will be painful and I know that I will most likely complain throughout it, but I am looking forward to the light at the end of the tunnel and the labor is the next step for that.

What I miss: Baking, cooking and the ability to finish unpacking. I have almost no energy lately. I am exhausted and can barely do something for more than 20 minutes (besides sleep and a movie). It is hard, but totally worth it. (Right!?!?!?!)

35 weeks!

I know this is late as there has been a lot on my plate in the last few weeks. I am trying. I really am. 🙂 Plus I realize I forgot to take photo’s, so I am just using some we have taken around.

Week 35

Weekly Updates:

How far along: 35 weeks (35/35 day!!! ~ 35 weeks down, 35 days to go)

Baby’s size: Honeydew Melon – Your baby, now as hefty as a honeydew melon at 5.25 pounds, doesn’t have much room to maneuver in your belly. Length: more than 18 inches, head to heel. {Of course, as of last week our baby was almost 7 pounds, so this is a little off, but more of a general idea.}

Sleep: It is getting harder as I am up almost every 90 minutes to go to the bathroom. EJ definitely does most of his moving around at night.

Maternity Clothes: Yup. I am starting to find out that I don’t fit in some of my maternity shirts. My belly sticks out under them, so I am slowly starting to become limited in what I can wear.

Food Cravings: Darrell has been making quite a few batches of chocolate chip cookies and they are sooo yummy!

Food Aversions: Slowly starting to be able to eat spicy which is nice, but I can’t eat everything yet. Chips and salsa are still out of the running 🙁

Symptoms I have: Heartburn, waddle, pelvic bone loosening up, and an unstable tummy table as baby is running out of room. 🙂

Doctor’s Appointment: Today we had one at the birth center and then our next one is on Monday since I am now on once a week appointments! I can’t believe we are that close already!

Movement: EJ is more active at night than in the morning. From the time I wake up until after dinner, I usually have to focus in order to feel him stretch and move around. After dinner though, it is like he is having a dance party and constantly moving around.

Belly Button: Level. Almost done! 😛

Gender: Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the diapers in the mail and then finally meeting this little human that has been cooking for 35 weeks!

What I miss: Being able to grab anything out of my closet and know that it fits. Plus my feet have grown a little bit and now I don’t fit in some of my shoes. 🙁

Ultrasound #7

So I am about a week slow on updating this as a lot has been going on with us. We are still in move in process and are slowly but surely getting there. I think we are probably about 85-90% of the way there. EJ’s nursery is all set up, and we are only missing a couple of key pieces for him which isn’t too bad. I will get photo’s of the nursery up a little later next time I have a chance.

On to our appointment.

It was the first MFM appointment we had here, so they go through and measure everything that they would normally measure throughout a pregnancy. This was nice because it was almost an hour long appointment and we just got to watch EJ move and stretch and get in the tech’s way when she was trying to take measurements. The tech was really nice and we both liked her a lot. She was also picture happy, so we walked away with about 15 photos. I don’t know what some of them are of and many of them aren’t exactly readable to the untrained eye, but it was nice anyways. 🙂

Here are the four that I think were the best:


Left is a profile shot of EJ (you can see his little nose and lips). On the right is a front view of his face with his hands the circles on the side of them.


On the left here is a photo of the top of EJ’s head (he has some hair according to the tech). I am just happy that it is a closed skull. 🙂 On the right is a 3D image of little EJ. He has his hand next to his head like he is holding a cell phone.

The tech finished her measurements and the whole time kept asking me whether or not I had taken my GD test (which I had the week prior and it came back a low normal). The Peri who came in after the tech asked the same question. It turns out baby is still measuring big. 🙂 He is measuring long and estimated to be weighing in around 6 pounds 12 ounces. They said he is measuring as though he is about 36 weeks 2 days instead of 34 weeks. So there is a chance that we will see this little boy by May 20. I don’t know how much bigger he is going to get, but we shall see. I am not exactly relishing the thought of pushing out a 10-pounder.

Other than that, everything is going according to plan. There is plenty of amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord is still working like it should, EJ is breathing like he should be and all of his organs are working like they should be. I am relieved that we had such a good ultrasound especially since it might be our last of the pregnancy.

Right now we are working on finding another midwife/doctor since we found out our insurance won’t cover the birth center like we thought. It is mildly stressful, but we will work through it. Then we also have to find a pediatrician for EJ. There is still a lot to do before he gets here, but I know it will all fall into place when he decides to make his entrance.

A few last photo’s for you. Darrell likes to take photo’s of my belly almost everyday, so here is a recent one and then what Darrell’s view of my belly is when he looks down. 🙂


34 Weeks

Week 34

How far along: 34 weeks

Baby’s size: Cantaloupe – Your baby has bulked up like the average cantaloupe — to about 4.75 pounds. Length: almost 18 inches, head to heel

Sleep: I am still tossing and turning all night. It is getting harder to do that so I am ready to finish up the traveling and stay in my own bed for more than a few days.

Maternity Clothes: Yup. Almost down to just dresses fitting.

Food Cravings: None specifically.

Food Aversions: still spicy stuff, but that is about it. Got offered Beef heart stew and just couldn’t try it because I am not a fan of organ meat even when not pregnant.

Symptoms I have: Sore right hip, a very noticeable waddle, hungry all the time.

Doctor’s Appointment: Ultrasound today!!

Movement: Yup. He is definitely a mover. When I am sitting down other people can see him move a bunch.

Belly Button: Hasn’t moved since last week.

Gender: Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: Finishing getting the nursery ready and getting prepped for baby boy to come home.

What I miss: Being able to move stuff on my own without help. Unpacking would be so much easier if I didn’t need Darrell to move the boxes around for me.

33 Weeks

This is posted a little late as we have been busy moving in and we haven’t had a decent internet connection.

Week 33

How far along: 33 weeks

Baby’s size:  Pineapple – Your baby is proportioned like a pineapple when it comes to weight — a little over 4 pounds. (Length: more than 17 inches, head to heel)

Sleep: Sleep has been ok. I have been tossing and turning because I can’t sleep and when I wake up I have been having a sore right hip. It makes those first few steps in the morning a little painful but then it goes away.

Maternity Clothes: Definitely. The jeans I bought are starting to get to tight so I am mostly in my stretchy pants.

Food Cravings: I was craving Chocolate chip cookie dough, so I went ahead and got the ice cream to fulfill that since I can’t quite make my own yet.

Food Aversions: Starting to be able to eat some spicy foods but not all the time.

Symptoms I have: Braxton hicks have been hitting me hard. I also lost some of my mucus plug over the weekend and was put on modified bed rest. Basically take it easy so I don’t go into labor. 🙂

Doctor’s Appointment: Glucose Tolerance test tomorrow. Then our first ultrasound up here next Tuesday.

Movement: Edward moves all the time. I can actually see my belly move when he moves now. It is a little alien like.

Belly Button: Almost level.

Gender: Boy.

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the GT test done with and seeing Edward via ultrasound next week.

What I miss: easily putting on my clothes and being able to tie my own shoes.

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