Tag Archive: Pixel

6 months

I am a week late, but I needed to be in a better position emotionally before I was able to write this.

December 1, 2012 was a bittersweet day for me. It was my 28th birthday. It was a year to the day that we found out that we were pregnant and were so excited to welcome our first child. It was 6 months after we gave birth to our son and said goodbye. It was the first day of the christmas holidays without our son. And it was a day where we hoped we would have Pixel’s sibling in our arms in 6 months.

I have been really good as the months pass since we can’t go back and the only thing to do is move forward, but this month just wasn’t meant to be easy. I read a few blogs and a couple of them were expecting a child due around the same time I was. They all had their children, so when I read the blogs, I see what my son could be doing around this time. Pixel would be almost 4 months old now. It is hard to think that instead of having a 4 month old baby, I am starting my 4th month of pregnancy.

Other Baby Loss Moms talk about how it is bittersweet since their rainbow baby wouldn’t be here without the loss of their first baby, and I feel that. If we wouldn’t have lost Pixel, we weren’t planning on trying again for a sibling until September 2013. This baby is a year earlier than expected. Not that this baby is loved any less. If anything, we are loving and enjoying every day we have because we don’t know if Sprout will be taken from us at any point. We have gotten as much of an all clear that a doctor can give us at this point, but we know better now. There is no safe period. It sucks knowing that. I wish we had the innocence we lost in May.

When we found out that we were pregnant with Pixel, we were excited because that meant we would have a chance to give our child a fully biological sibling. We are giving him a fully biological sibling, but we will not be able to give Sprout that. Our donor retired in June 2011, so we will have to choose a new donor for any siblings. We are a little sad about that, but it was something we knew we would have to deal with at some point while using donor sperm.

We are now half way through the first year and while it does get easier, there are still days where I am taken right back to the doctors room. I have anxiety attacks whenever we go to see or hear the heartbeat. I get so anxious, I try not to cry and break down before they even put the gel on my tummy. Wednesday was my OB appointment and they put me in the same room I was in when the OB couldn’t find Pixel’s heartbeat. I was glad that they had taken my blood pressure already since I was sure it was through the roof at that time. It is hard having this much anxiety during a pregnancy, but I am glad that it usually only lasts about 24 hours leading up to the appointment. I am completely looking forward to Sprout bruising me from the inside because then, hopefully, my anxiety level will go down.

So 6 more months of anxiety with this pregnancy. 6 more months until we finish our first year without our son. 6 more months – 25 more weeks – 175 days. Time cannot go fast enough. I’m glad we at least have quite a bit on our plate so that it will feel like time is moving faster. June just seems so far away.

4 months

Today marks 4 months since we said good-bye to Pixel. I am still sad at moments, but I don’t expect the sadness to ever completely fade. It will get dimmer and dimmer, but never fade.

We have done a few things this month that have made me miss him more.

We went to the West Texas Fair and Rodeo with a bunch of friends. We always go to the petting zoo and feed the animals. It is one of the few things we do at the fair. I couldn’t handle going inside as all I could think about was that we should have had our one month old baby with us. I had looked forward to taking Pixel to the fair and seeing the animals. It was probably the first outing that I had thought about once we found out we were pregnant. I had to walk off and have a small cry for what should have been.

The month of September usually brings about the beginning of fall here. We mainly go by the nicer weather and thunderstorms. We had two big rainstorms this month. One was earlier in the month and I was excited for it because we definitely needed it. We had our biggest rainstorm this year these last couple of days. We actually got over 7″ of rain between Thursday night and Saturday afternoon. The whole town was fairly flooded and stayed that way for awhile.

The beginning of the storm took me back. We found out we lost Pixel on a Wednesday, but the doctor thinks he actually passed on that previous Monday which was memorial day. Memorial Day we had a huge storm even though it only lasted for about 15 minutes. After that there was a double rainbow. This storm reminded me of that day. The day where I should have been worried about not feeling Pixel move a lot, but instead, I was worried about the power going out while dinner was in the oven and about finishing up the stenciling in Pixels room.

I still love rainstorms and I love the fresh smell they bring with them. Now, I feel the need to relax and not worry about the little things. I sat around most of the rainstorm and just watched the downpour while everything flooded. I admired the job we did on our front porch area and how it isn’t flooding and splashing mud all over the walkway any more. I watched our cats wander outside during the times of light sprinkles to examine the puddles and taste the grass. I watched the horses across the way run around after they were let out during the periods of drizzle. I just relaxed and watched the world open up after a rainstorm.

I know that I have a lot of things coming up where we should be celebrating with our son, but instead, we will be living for him. The holidays are going to be hard, but I have to make it through them to get to the other side and hopefully be able hold Pixel’s sibling in my arms.

We have finally received the photos that the hospital took. It has been almost 4 months since we had Pixel and we are glad that we finally received them.

Boy did receiving these photos make me glad that we took our own photos. The photos they sent are completely washed out. You can see skin just fine, but his outfit and everything else is washed out. I was looking forward to these photos because they supposedly used a better camera and did some other posing with him. I was really disappointed to say the least.

At least we finally got them I guess.

Darrell holding Pixel’s Hands

My mom’s hands cradling Pixel.

We have less than a week until we test. I have been trying not to read to much into symptoms because the Prometrium supplement gives the same symptoms as early pregnancy. I am tired all the time. I have been taking naps during the day, going to bed early and waking up late. I have had other symptoms, but like I said, I can’t attribute it to anything other than supplement right now.

I got a phone call from the hospital yesterday and they have Pixel’s pictures. They have put them in the mail, so hopefully I will have them by this weekend or early next week. I am really excited about that! It is a bittersweet excitement because I know this is the last thing I have been looking forward to getting of Pixels. After this, there is nothing else of his we will ever receive. *sigh*

We have two more days until we head down to Austin for the weekend. I am really excited about that. We have a hotel near downtown, so we are going to probably spend some time wandering 6th street and other downtown areas we didn’t get to see last year. We have three other friends going, so we should definitely have a blast!

Good News

So I got some good news today….


The head nurse supervisor called me and said that they had been misplaced, but they were found. They haven’t been processed yet, so she is sending them to be processed and then will call me when they are done. I should hear back in about 2-3 weeks (Why it takes that long, I shall never know).

I’m just glad they found them. So hopefully by October, we will have the photos.

So we are at 1/4 for good things this month. I am hoping that we get all four, but only time will tell.

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