Hey Y’all,
I know many of you have been wondering about how things are looking in the nursery. Well… Those of you who aren’t friends with Darrell on Facebook since he has been posting some progress pictures. But here is the progress thus far with the nursery:
While going through pictures, I realize that I didn’t exactly have a good before photo. So here are two semi-old photos of what the nursery looked like before:

We spent a whole weekend in the middle of April moving everything to the front room to make the front room the office/guest bedroom/music room. This is what the front room currently looks like:

We aren’t quite done with the room as there are some changes we want to make, but it is close, so we aren’t spending to much time worrying about it.
So, with the Nursery cleared out, it was time to begin to tape. I did this while D was at work. It took a couple hours, but I got it done.

Then came time for the first color. We decided to do the blue first because it covered more area than the green was going to.

So after we finished the blue, we waited 24 hours and then we began to work on the green.

So once we finished the green, we let it dry again. This time we waited a few days as we were going to be starting the stenciling. I did one attempt at the stencil, and we decided that the greens that came with it are a little to dull for our taste, so we are going to go out and buy a brighter color green for it. Our hope is to get the stenciling done this weekend. No guarantees, but it is our hope. We also took all the tape off of the upper parts of the room. We left the baseboard tape on so that we won’t accidentally drip paint on the white baseboards while painting the stencils.

Here is another couple of shots of the stencil next to the fabric that we got our idea from and the one we are probably going to use for curtains.

So that is what Baby Ross’ room looks like currently. Darrell likes that it definitely looks like a kids room. It is nice and bright. We can’t wait to see it finished. If we get our stenciling done this weekend, we are going to contact our friend who is giving us a crib and see if we can get the room cleaned and a crib put in it. Things are just slowly falling together. We have 11 more weeks until our due date unless baby decides to come early. We still have a lot to do, but we are getting there. We haven’t decided on a name quite yet, but we are slowly narrowing down our list. We are hoping to have a name nailed down by the end of June. Just in case baby decides to come early.
Hope y’all are enjoying your friday and that y’all have a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend! Enjoy the 3-day weekend!!!!