Tag Archive: Photos


Today is going to be mass post day because I have sadly been really busy the last week with everything, so today is the day I post everything. 🙂

So… first off – I have finally gotten the media uploader to work for pictures. No idea how long that will last as we currently have all addons turned off and I will slowly start turning them on in a minute. But first, I wanted to post the pictures from the past few posts before there is a chance I could break things again for another two weeks 🙂

I added all of the photos to this post, so if you are so inclined, feel free to go back and see photos of our last quarter of 2012. 🙂

I also updated the last Weekly Update to include a photo – 18 weeks

So that is it of the past posts where pictures were suppose to be added, but were not due to technical difficulties.

Today we had our 2nd ultrasound at the fertility clinic. Everything is looking good. Sprout is growing properly and is even cooperating for the photos. When we got our pictures of Pixel during our 8th week, it looked just like the 6th week only bigger. You couldn’t tell that it was actually a baby. Sprout’s are a totally different story. We could see the umbilical cord going from Sprout to the placenta and we were able to see that the umbilical cord was pulsing normally. We were able to see the yolk sac that is slowly shrinking as the two lining are coming together. We could see the fluid where the brain is developing and it looked like everything was forming just like it should. We won’t know for fact until later in the pregnancy. We could see the little arms and legs forming, and Sprout even waved them around for us. It was such a better ultrasound than any we had with Pixel. We are so excited and happy.

Our clinic gave us the choice to either come back to them in two weeks for a last ultrasound or to go ahead and be released to the OB, Midwife, and MFM. We decided to go ahead and be released. So now I have to call both the OB and Midwife tomorrow to set up appointments. At our first appointment with the OB, we should be getting a referral to the MFM so that we can go ahead and do our 12 week Nuchal Translucency (NT) ultrasound there. That should be where they can tell us whether they see any defects in the forming of the spinal column and let us know what our chances would be for another neural tube defect.

That’s about it. We are excited that Sprout isn’t camera shy and is letting us get good ultrasounds. It certainly eases our minds a little bit. I admit that I have been having small anxiety attacks the night before each ultrasound and probably will before every appointment until we hear the heartbeat. I’m glad they only hit the night before instead of like the week leading up to it. I can handle one night of restless sleep. 🙂

So, pictures!

The picture on the left is of Sprout. The outlined area is the heart. You can see the umbilical cord towards the top of the screen and the little blob towards the bottom left is the shrinking yolk sac. The picture on the right is a measurement of Sprout. Measuring a few days behind, but fairly balled up, so it’s not a big deal.

These two look the same, but the picture on the left is of the front view of Sprout. You can’t make out facial features yet. The picture on the right is the backview and you can kind of see Sprouts spine.

And last but not least — the heartbeat! It was a beautiful measurement of 174. Perfect for this gestation! It was a very strong heartbeat with no dips (the dips you see on the measurement was the doctor accidentally moving the wand just a little bit).









So that is our little Sprout! We are almost 1/4 of the way there. 8 more days!

We had a very busy weekend this weekend. We had been procrastinating on a couple ideas in our head and we finally had the money to just go ahead and do it. It probably didn’t help that we found some awesome deals so it cost us about half of what we thought it would end up costing us. Yeah!!!

So first project on Saturday was to install a cat door. We had been talking for awhile about moving the litterbox to the garage and installing a cat door so that they will have access to the garage. Plus it would allow us to use our Guest bathroom when people come to visit instead of them having to shower in our bathroom. Needless to say it was a little bit more of a feat than we thought it would be. Turns out Darrell didn’t have quite the right tools for it, so we ended up buying him another tool. But we got it installed in only a few hours. Now the big step is to get the cats to actually use it before we move the litterbox. So far they will only go through it if we have it taped open.

After we put in the cat door and spent some time trying to lure the cats through, it got to cold in the garage, so we came inside.

We have lived in our house for just over 2.5 years and we have only had sheets over our windows (college style). We had been talking about putting in curtains, but never before found curtains we both liked. We were at Lowe’s getting Darrell’s new tool for the cat door and we stopped to look at the curtains that we liked, but weren’t sold on quite yet because of the price. Well, some of the curtains that we liked happened to be on a massive sale for over 50% off. Yes!!! So we went ahead and bought them and Darrell installed our bedroom ones last night so we could see how dark it would keep our room in the morning since our room windows face East.

We were pretty pleased with the way they look. They are thermal blackout curtains. They still let a little bit of light in around the edges, but nowhere near as much as the sheets were letting in. This morning we decided that we really liked them, so when Darrell took a break from studying, he went ahead and put the rest of the curtains up. We put the same curtains in the Guest bedroom.











Then we put up the curtains that we got for more than 50% off. Those went in the Kitchen and the office because they blocked the glare, but they aren’t blackout curtains, so light still comes through.

Overall, we are very, very happy with the way that they turned out. It is always exciting to mark something off your list that has been there for over 2 years. It gives us some sense of adultness. 🙂

That’s pretty much all we have had time for this weekend. We did a lot of running around on Saturday, but we got a lot done and are pleased with our results thus far. (Just have to get those cats trained :P)

Tomorrow morning is our bi-weekly trip to Ft. Worth. We get to see Sprout again and are excited and hoping for some nice growth.


Today was our first ultrasound. It was the first one where we were looking for how many Sprout(s), making sure they were in the right spot and we should have been able to see a heartbeat(s).

I was right!!! We have one little Sprout in the right spot with an amazing heartbeat! We were so happy to see the heartbeat. Just seeing the heartbeat is one huge step since it brings the chance of miscarriage down to 5%. It is still a high percentage for us, but our last pregnancy was only a 1% chance of it happening, so alas. *shrug*

Sprout is measuring 6w5d and we are sitting at 6w6d. So one day behind isn’t that bad at this point because it is really hard to correctly measure something that is only a couple of millimeters long. Sprout has a heartbeat of about 130 beats per minute (bpm). Which is really strong since at this stage they are hoping for between 120-150, but anything over 100 is considered good.

A couple pictures of our barely recognizable Sprout:

The one on the left is of just Sprout. The one on the right is the measurement of Sprout.









This last one is of the measurement of Sprouts heartbeat.

So now we have another 2 week wait before we get to see Sprout again. Next time we see him/her, there will most likely be arm and leg buds visible and the head will have a little more shape. I’m excited. We have probably 2 more appointments with the Fertility clinic before we are released to our OB and Midwife.

By the way – have I mentioned how much we love our clinic? They are so nice and caring. We saw the second doctor today instead of our normal RE. (We have actually had this second doctor this whole procedure) So tonight, around 7:30, our RE calls to tell us that he is excited for us and making sure we didn’t have any questions. He knows about Pixel and just wanted to reassure us that he will be there for us if we ever have any questions to not hesitate to call. This is like the third phone call from him this cycle just checking on us. I do have to say that leaving this clinic will be hard once we finally move back to the West Coast and I hope we will be able to find an RE just as caring.

We have finally received the photos that the hospital took. It has been almost 4 months since we had Pixel and we are glad that we finally received them.

Boy did receiving these photos make me glad that we took our own photos. The photos they sent are completely washed out. You can see skin just fine, but his outfit and everything else is washed out. I was looking forward to these photos because they supposedly used a better camera and did some other posing with him. I was really disappointed to say the least.

At least we finally got them I guess.

Darrell holding Pixel’s Hands

My mom’s hands cradling Pixel.

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