Tag Archive: IUI #3

Things are rough this time around.

I didn’t get any of the side effects the first two times around, but this time, the clomid is really kicking my butt. I have been so nauseous. Nothing I do is getting rid of the nauseousness. That means it’s working right? 🙂

So my hope has been that starting up the Menopur last night would help with the side effects. So far it has a little bit. I am still slightly nauseous, but it is nowhere near as bad as it has been.

So now we are just taking the meds and waiting until Monday morning when we have our next appointment. Hoping for good numbers, but not too good.

We sure hope so.

Today, We officially kicked off IUI #3.

We took the long drive to Dallas this morning to get the first ultrasound and get our medication orders for the next few weeks. It was a little confusing at first. There was a new doctor there, but she is just as nice as the rest of the clinic! We are so happy that we actually have an RE office that we don’t feel out of place in.

Plus, there was a mis-communication on which medications they were putting us on. We were originally told that it was going to be Menopur, which we took to mean Menopur and Clomid. Lisa told me that it was going to be Menopur and Clomid when I called in yesterday. Then today, the new doc and then our nurse told us we were on a Menopur only cycle. Bothered us a little bit since if we are on injectables only, the cycle is going to cost us $500 more for ultrasounds etc. Luckily it was straightened out and we are on Menopur and Clomid.

I have my fingers crossed and am hopeful that this cycle will work. Darrell hopes it works, but he is a little bit more pessimistic about it actually working. There is a chance that this could be our last one. We might have to cross the bridge later, but if this cycle doesn’t work, we will probably take a year or so off of trying before coming back to it. Hard decisions, but they need to be made.

I have a good feeling. Things are going to work. Optimism is what I need to hold onto right now.

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