Tag Archive: IUI #3

As many of you have probably figured out by the lack of posts, we did get good news just over two weeks ago. Darrell wanted to wait as there are a lot of problems that can happen in the first trimester. We have done a lot of talking about it, and since we have shared a lot of things, we are sharing this with you. There is still a chance of a miscarriage, so no guarantees that we will not be posting more bad news.

We were going to wait until after the heartbeat to let you know, but as our appointment is at 3 on Thursday and then we are flying out to CA, we will not have a chance to update this. As of right now, all we know is that we have at least one bun in the oven. There is a small chance of twins with the HCG numbers we have been getting. We shall see on Thursday!

We are not posting on Facebook, so please don’t mention it on there. We are going to wait until after the first trimester. We also haven’t told some of our family, so we would appreciate a little bit more silence on the matter.

There won’t be posts for a few weeks probably as we are going to be in California with family until just after the first of the year, so hoping that everyone has a great Holiday Season!

Sick :(

I have been exhausted since about Wednesday. I have been sleeping badly, waking up every few hours and having some bizarre dreams. Good thing I haven’t been at work since Tuesday (Yeah for working for a school district!).

I haven’t really been feeling sick. Just nauseous whether I eat or don’t eat, but I can eat just fine.

Today, however, I wasn’t able to eat 🙁 I tried to eat breakfast, but felt it was all going to come back up, so I stopped after half a bowl. Here’s hoping it either goes away fast, or that there is a small parasite as the reason behind all this crap.

Still have 5 days to go.

Even the RE and the nurses are hopeful. We had a great stimulation.

We have 3 follicles that are mature. Possibly another 2 might make it, but highly doubtful.

Our sperm count today was 41 million! That is 2.5 times more than last time!

My hopes are up. RE’s hopes are up. Nurses hopes are up. Darrell still remains optimistic. 🙂

We now have the 2 week wait ahead of us. Luckily, we have a few things planned this weekend and then we have Thanksgiving next week. Plus my work has been really busy, so I have been working a ton!

We find out the results the day after my birthday. I am still trying to debate myself as to whether I want to do an hpt on my birthday to find out, or if I want to wait the extra 24 hours. Decisions, decisions.

I took my last shot of menopur last night. Of course, the last shot was the one that hurt the most huh?

Went in to Fort Worth this morning. We are good to go. The doc measured 3 follicles: 20, 18, 18. There were some others on the right side, but she doesn’t think they will ovulate.

So Trigger shot tonight. We go in for the IUI on Friday morning. Which means that we should know whether or not it works by Dec 2.

Fingers Crossed.

I drove to Ft. Worth this morning for my ultrasound. I had my fingers crossed that we would see some good numbers and things wouldn’t look hopeless for this cycle.

The appointment started about half an hour late. Seems to be a lot of women doing cycles right now. Gotta love the holidays!

I have 4 good sized follicles. 3 on the right measuring 14, 14, 13 and 1 on the left measuring 12. There are a lot of little ones around, but the RE only measures the larger ones. Which definitely makes the ultrasound nicer on the lady bits. 🙂

So we are looking at two more days of stimulation and then go back for another ultrasound on Wednesday. If the follicles continue to grow like they have been, the doc thinks we shall be triggering on Wednesday night and going in for the IUI on Friday morning.

Fingers crossed for Wednesday appointment!

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