Tag Archive: IUI #1

64 hours

As of right now, I have 64 hours to go until IUI day! My U/S this morning went great! I don’t have any follicles on the Left side (at least none worth measuring) and I have a whopping 5 on the right. Only three of them are of the larger worth noting size which is why I haven’t been canceled.

Technology is not working very well for me it seems as I watched my OB’s office fax the results to the RE before I left, but the RE nurse (Amy) called and said she didn’t have it yet. I had to call the OB again, get things figured out and refaxed there. Then Amy called and said that I needed to take the Ovidrel shot tomorrow night and I told her I didn’t have it. Whoops! We were suppose to have that bought and delivered last week. So Amy had to call the pharmacy and have them call me to schedule payment and delivery.

The pharmacy didn’t call until 45 minutes after Amy said they were suppose to call in the next 5. I was about to flip out since there wasn’t any way I could get a hold ofย  Amy as it was almost 6 and she left the office at 6. Plus I needed the meds delivered tomorrow. Luckily, things worked out and we have ordered the meds and they will be here before noon. (Hopefully nothing goes wrong on the delivery side)

Oh, and another thing, the insurance isn’t covering any of the U/S because it is for infertility. Boo! But they are going to put the cost of them towards our yearly deductible. That’s at least something. Even though we probably won’t reach our deductible.

So that’s about it. We will be heading to Ft. Worth on Thursday Morning which is nice since I don’t have work and D is working extra this week so that he can just comp that day. ๐Ÿ™‚ After the procedure in Ft. Worth, We are going to head over to Albany and hit up the Fort Griffin Fandangle. It’s an outdoor theater like the Ramona Pageant in SoCal.

I will try to write more this weekend.

More Meds

The RE finally called me on Friday around 4:45PM to tell me that they hadn’t gotten my results yet and that the OB’s office was closed. This was what I was dreading happening. Luckily, since I actually had the U/S at the Hospital, they were still there and the RE was able to get the results before 5:30. We were told that things looked great (no numbers, but we can do with a great) and that they were putting me on some more meds. So now I am using estrogen pills twice a day. It’s not a lot, only about 4mg/day, but it is more meds. I have no idea exactly how long I will be taking them for, but the pharmacy gave me a 30 day supply. ๐Ÿ™‚

I also have to call the OB on Monday morning and schedule another U/S for that day. We are getting close. We should be driving to Ft. Worth for the insemination sometime this week. I am hoping that we will be doing it on Thursday as I have work on Wednesday and Orkin is coming by (usually, they just do the outside, but we want them to spray inside this time as we have started getting ants and want them to also spray for fleas). We shall wait and see what day we are told to come into the office.

…. I think. :/

We went in for the ultrasound this morning. I had finally gotten everything figured out and the hospital had gotten all of the paperwork and I was scheduled for the right test. It was all good.

I had two women do my ultrasound. One of them was a student at the medical college and the other was her teacher. The student did a lot of the pictures and got some things figured out, but the teacher had to actually do the measurements of the follicles. Normally, I don’t mind when there is a student learning in the room since I know the best way to learn something is to do it. What bothered me was that they kept whispering things to each other and turned the screen away from me and D so that neither of us could see what was going on. We had to keep asking questions. They just kept saying everything looked good. No real definite numbers or anything.

After they finished, we went out for paperwork, and I asked them what the numbers were and the teacher said they had to wait for the radiologist to come in and look at the sheets. I made sure they had the correct number for the RE and stressed that he needed to know by this afternoon. So here I sit waiting on pins and needles for the RE to call and let me know what I am suppose to do. I hate waiting and not knowing.

So until I get a confirmation from the RE, I have no idea if the Clomid worked just right, or if it overworked and I have a canceled cycle.

Pins and needles I tell you… Pins and needles.


UGGG! We are currently in Day 5 of our cycle and things have been looking good so far. We went to my OB for our first ultrasound of the cycle. We went to the OB instead of driving the 2.5 hours to Ft. Worth for a 30 minute appointment ๐Ÿ™‚ Wanted to save a little bit of gas and it made it easier for both of us to be there and not take too much time off work.

They have put me on 100 mg of Clomid, so I have to take that till CD7 and then I go in for another ultrasound on CD9 to see how the little follies are doing (hoping for no more than 4). Unfortunately, my OB will be out of town on Friday, so his office assistant made an appointment at the local hospital for the ultrasound. Now this wouldn’t be so bad seen as the hospital is in the same complex as the OB and they work together a lot, but that’s where the problem starts. The office assistant gets me an appointment so I call the RE with the news and the time so they know when to expect the results so they can figure the meds/plan for next week. RE calls me back and tells me I need to make sure that the hospital has the forms that they sent to the OB. No problem.

WRONG! I called the OB again and was told that they could send the forms if they needed it, but they don’t usually do that. I stressed that I needed the forms sent over because the RE needed the results that day so they could order meds. OB assistant proceeds to tell me that the hospital won’t have the results by that day. They won’t have the results until Monday at the earliest. This is completely bogus since I just did an ultrasound on Friday and I know that in the length of time it took me to put my clothes back on after the ultrasound, they had already finished faxing the forms and results to the RE. This leads me to believe (along with a couple other things) that the assistant has me scheduled for the wrong type of ultrasound on Friday.

Not the type of thing I need to be dealing with right now since I am trying to keep my stress level down. I am going to call over to the hospital tomorrow and make sure that they have me down for the correct type of ultrasound, make sure they have the forms from the RE and then before I show up there on Friday, I am going to the OB and getting a copy of the forms from them.

If we have to do this again, maybe I will just start at the hospital and not have to worry about the doctor not being there. Or maybe, we will just suck it up and do the 2.5 hour drive to Ft. Worth for the appointments there and not even have to worry about doing things long distance. I think we can probably manage to make one trip a week to get these tests done.

Grrrr. Just needed to vent to let off some stress. ๐Ÿ™‚

Multiple trips to the doctors, I am ready!

Here’s hoping for first time’s a charm!

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