Hey Y’all!
Like I posted in the last post, we have been really, really busy these last few weeks. We have been so busy that I am going to split our month of May into two posts. I am going to make a separate post for the second half of the month and for the nursery that we have been working on. So here ya go…….
I went to Seattle the end of April for my cousin Joni’s wedding. It was great seeing all the family again and also getting to hang out with our niece. She is getting so big!!!! I didn’t take a lot of photos, but my sister Jenni did and said she would send hers to me. I don’t expect to get them until August when they come out for baby, but we shall see.

After I got back from Seattle, Darrell and I went to our local farmers Family Farm Day. We had a really nice day. It was a little bit on the hot side, but at least there was a small breeze that made it bearable. I drank a ton of water!!! We got to see the new goslings, the piglets, the new baby donkey, and all of the other animals they had. They definitely had a very baby friendly Spring! They had a little walk you could take through the tree area behind their house, and there was a mulberry tree with a bunch of fallen mulberries. The butterflies were just loving it! If you stood still long enough, they would land and you could get fairly decent photos of them. Darrell stood there for like 5 minutes trying for some photos. He got some good ones, but there were a lot of photos to go through. 🙂

Then, next on our list of busy, Darrell went to Orlando for a work conference.

After Orlando, he flew straight to California for the Annual Boonville Beerfestival that we do every year. I skipped it this year, but we hope to bring the whole family to it next year. He had a lot of fun and enjoyed hanging out with friends and his cousin Kirsten and her friends.

And, after all of that, we were only half way through our month of May. Yes we did actually have to work during this month, so it has definitely been crazy busy. More photos in the next post from the month of May.