*As you can tell, he would rather move than take a picture with his lion. I tried twice about 15 minutes each time and these were the best shots I got. Next month will be fun if he is really moving!*
Playtime: Still loving playing with his blocks. He is starting to get into the clapping stage and learned how, so now he claps a lot. It is great because he starts to clap when he wants our attention or while Darrell is playing his bagpipe chanter. We have moved most of his toys into our ottoman and it is full of stuffed animal like items. He is constantly digging through it and making a mess. It is awesome! (For now while it is still mostly contained on his playmat).
Sleep: We have started work on reverting his schedule. It took a few weeks, but we finally have him back to going to sleep between 7-8pm and not waking up until 8:30-9am. It is still rough putting him to sleep at night since he just screams and squirms in full on tantrum style. We have tried no later than 2 hours after his last nap, 3 hours after and sometimes even 4 hours after. Nothing works. There is the occasional night where he goes down without a fuss, but it is very rare. I don’t understand why bedtime is so bad. Every single nap is easy. He nurses, I rock him, put him down awake, he lays there for about 5 minutes and then is out for an hour. I wish bedtime was that easy. He has been waking up once in the middle of the night (usually around 6am) but that has been for teething.
Food: We have started to just give him what we eat. I make sure it is small enough for him and he just shoves it in his mouth. We did stop making our own puree’s and we buy the pouches for when we are out or if what we are having for dinner isn’t very baby friendly. Since we switched to doing that, he hasn’t really turned anything down. I think he just loves to feed himself. I do have to say that we stopped doing the 3 day wait between foods. It might bite us later, but right now it is what works for us.
Teething: There was a lot of teething all month. His gums got sharp and we were hoping that one was going to cut through soon. Wouldn’t you know it… 5 days before he hit 8 months, the front bottom two cut through at the same time. They are still working their way up, so it is really hard to see them since Edward won’t let us look. They are starting to become more visible from just a smile, but you really have to look. I’m giving it another couple of weeks before they are in charge. 🙂
Clothes: Still in those 9-month clothes (depending on the brand) and some brands of the 12-month are getting small on him. I went through the clothes we had and pulled out all of his 18-month up to 2T clothes. I know we won’t need the bigger ones for awhile, but I needed to use the space for all the other clothes since we have kept a lot of what we had because we are planning for another one in the future.
Movement: Still wants to stand all the time. Shortly after he turned 7-months, he took his first steps while we were holding his hands. Now all he wants to do is walk around. It is starting to hurt my back from holding him and helping him all the time, so I spend nights just relaxing and recovering. Still no crawling. He gets up to his hands, one foot and a knee a lot and can kind of scooch himself around. Hasn’t left the playmat area yet, so we are still good on the baby gate front.