Tag Archive: Cats

We had a very busy weekend this weekend. We had been procrastinating on a couple ideas in our head and we finally had the money to just go ahead and do it. It probably didn’t help that we found some awesome deals so it cost us about half of what we thought it would end up costing us. Yeah!!!

So first project on Saturday was to install a cat door. We had been talking for awhile about moving the litterbox to the garage and installing a cat door so that they will have access to the garage. Plus it would allow us to use our Guest bathroom when people come to visit instead of them having to shower in our bathroom. Needless to say it was a little bit more of a feat than we thought it would be. Turns out Darrell didn’t have quite the right tools for it, so we ended up buying him another tool. But we got it installed in only a few hours. Now the big step is to get the cats to actually use it before we move the litterbox. So far they will only go through it if we have it taped open.

After we put in the cat door and spent some time trying to lure the cats through, it got to cold in the garage, so we came inside.

We have lived in our house for just over 2.5 years and we have only had sheets over our windows (college style). We had been talking about putting in curtains, but never before found curtains we both liked. We were at Lowe’s getting Darrell’s new tool for the cat door and we stopped to look at the curtains that we liked, but weren’t sold on quite yet because of the price. Well, some of the curtains that we liked happened to be on a massive sale for over 50% off. Yes!!! So we went ahead and bought them and Darrell installed our bedroom ones last night so we could see how dark it would keep our room in the morning since our room windows face East.

We were pretty pleased with the way they look. They are thermal blackout curtains. They still let a little bit of light in around the edges, but nowhere near as much as the sheets were letting in. This morning we decided that we really liked them, so when Darrell took a break from studying, he went ahead and put the rest of the curtains up. We put the same curtains in the Guest bedroom.











Then we put up the curtains that we got for more than 50% off. Those went in the Kitchen and the office because they blocked the glare, but they aren’t blackout curtains, so light still comes through.

Overall, we are very, very happy with the way that they turned out. It is always exciting to mark something off your list that has been there for over 2 years. It gives us some sense of adultness. 🙂

That’s pretty much all we have had time for this weekend. We did a lot of running around on Saturday, but we got a lot done and are pleased with our results thus far. (Just have to get those cats trained :P)

Tomorrow morning is our bi-weekly trip to Ft. Worth. We get to see Sprout again and are excited and hoping for some nice growth.



I know this is a little late, but we were a little busy the last couple weeks. For most of the month of June, we stayed home and found ways to cope with the loss of our son. We had a couple occasions where we got out of the house and did other things.

A week after we lost Pixel, we went to dinner with some dear friends the Hartley’s. They have been there with us from the beginning and know the pain involved with Infertility.




Darrell also had a gig with the Pipers for the Dr. Suess Parade that was going on in Downtown Abilene. He was excited for it because it was the first parade where they let him play the bagpipes and didn’t make him play the drums. It was only like a 3 block parade and it was for the Childrens Art and Literacy Festival (CALF). They did a good job and it was fun seeing a lot of downtown in Suess colors with Suess statues all around. I am mildly interested in seeing what they have planned for next year if we are still here.




They even had the cops wearing Cat in the Hat hats.











Other than those two events, we spent a good portion of our time just sitting in our backyard and enjoying the little bit of nice weather we had been having. The cats enjoyed the fact that we spent a lot of time outside and they were always out there chasing and catching the bugs and grasshoppers. Zedd caught a grasshopper and tried to take it into the house. Darrell noticed and we closed the door before he got there and he dropped the grasshopper and looked at us like “what did you go and do that for?”. I watched a lot of my Netflix and then D played a lot of his computer game (We bought him Skyrim). The cats did a lot of little funny things and I believe that it helped us cope by giving us something else to focus on.

The only other thing we did in June was to prepare for our trip to California. Darrell’s sister, Kendra, got married on June 30 in Boonville. I am working on some posts for that and I will get them posted in the next couple days. There are a lot of post ideas in my head and I am slowly working on them. Since we just got back late on Friday night, it might take me about a week to get them all posted. So keep an eye out. 🙂


Here is part 2 of our month of May. The Second half of the Month was busy, but it wasn’t quite as busy as the first half. It just seems that way. 🙂

Darrell had a couple of gigs with the Abilene Pipers, so we went to those. One of them was playing for the Illumination ceremony for the Breckenridge Relay for Life. The photos didn’t turn out all that great, so, no photos for that. The next day, the Pipers played for the Abilene Zoo’s Zoolute to Dyess. It was pretty fun walking around the Zoo and seeing all of the families there. It was probably the most crowded I had seen the zoo with the exception of Spring Break. The picture of the Flamingo’s is in there because the Flamingo in the middle has a baby under it. The other ones are sitting on eggs.


Then I can’t go a month without adding at least one photo of each of the cats. Zedd has always liked laying down with his feet crossed and Darrell finally got a good picture of him. It might just end up on the Christmas card (if there is room after all Baby’s photos are on there. :P). And then for the longest time, our towels kept being pulled off of their racks onto the floor and we knew who was doing it, but we couldn’t prove it. I finally got proof that he was pulling them down and then getting them situated for himself. He is always dragging clothes around the house. He really likes to help when it comes to Laundry day. Just the other day, Darrell noticed that their towel from the bookcase was missing and we spent a long time looking for it. We found it when I finally took out the last load of laundry that I had done. I never took it off the shelf, so the only other option was that Poleeko decided it was time to clean it, so he took it to where I would pick it up and throw it in the laundry. They sure are funny cats. 🙂


Last but definitely not least: As many of you know, I have quit my job. Today was the last day of the school year, and my last day at work. I am going to just be a stay at home Mommy. I might go back occasionally just to keep my license up and help out when they are desperate. But, since I was leaving, the lovely ladies and gentleman at the bus barn threw me a surprise going away party/Baby Shower. I truly felt loved and appreciated. They did a wonderful job and Baby got some needed items. Many of the girls gave me a hard time because they didn’t know the sex, so they had to pick neutral items. We loved everything they came up with! One of the girls I talk to the most found the cutest little ride along/push School Bus. I absolutely love it and can’t wait until Baby is old enough. There weren’t many photos taken as it was just a get some food after your route kind of deal. It did make me a little sad that I was leaving, and I didn’t get enough time to write thank-yous for everyone, but I will get them out at the beginning of next school year. They just said that I needed to bring Baby by so they could see him/her.


So that is what we have been up to this month. I am glad that it is almost over, but our preparation for Baby has just begun. 🙂 I do have Nursery photos of the painting we have been doing, but I think that shall wait till tomorrow.



Hey y’all!

We have finally made it to the 20 week mark. Which means we are halfway through the pregnancy! We have another week and a half until our level 2 ultrasound. We are excited to see Pixel again and make sure that everything is going good.


I have also been given permission from the midwife and the doctor to travel to Seattle at the end of April for my cousin’s wedding. I am really excited as many of the family I will see there I haven’t seen since my wedding almost three years ago. It means that I don’t get to go to the Beerfestival, but that’s ok.


As the title of the post says, we have been really busy lately. Darrell has had a lot of gigs with the Abilene Pipers the last couple of weekends, so we have gone there. There was the roller derby and then there was a St. Patty’s Day gig at a local bar. These are some photo’s from the gigs and with Darrell in a Kilt.

Roller Derby:

St. Patty’s Day:

We have also had quite a bit of nice weather lately, so we have spent a lot of time outside. The cats have really loved it. We have loved it as well! I’m so glad it is spring. I love how everything turns green. Granted, most of the green you see in the pictures are actually weeds and not the grass. The grass is still brown and dead. No idea if it is ever going to grow back.

We have also been working on clearing out the office to make it into the nursery. We are going to move our office into the front room/guest room. There are a lot of things in the two rooms, so we are going through everything and finding stuff to get rid of. There is still a lot more to go through, but we have almost finished cleaning up the guest room. About half of the office has been cleared out. Still a lot more to do, but it is slowly getting done.

While cleaning up the office, we found a bolt of fabric that we forgot about. We absolutely love it and are planning on using it as a theme idea for the nursery. It gives us a color scheme and some ideas for stuff and is totally gender neutral. We shall see how the nursery ends up.


Hope everyone is having a happy Spring!



Hey y’all!

I know I have been quiet lately. Haven’t really had much going on. We have been busy doing things, but mostly just working.

We have started to clean out the office and move things into the front room so we can start the nursery. We are starting early so that we can go through things and get rid of stuff we don’t need. We have a really big pile in the garage already of stuff to get rid of. We are thinking of having a garage sale sometime in the next couple of months. After we go through more things.

Our neighbors pulled up their hedges in front of their house, so we got some new hedges and put them in our yard. We are waiting to see how they handle the transfer before we go ahead and buy more to put on the other side of the walkway. It’s a continuous project. 🙂


Another project we have done lately has been to move the recycling from the garage into the backyard and get it organized. We were tired of having a big pile blocking a section of the garage, so Darrell built some containers we could put trash cans in so the wind won’t blow them all over the backyard. It turned out really well.


We still have a couple projects we want to get done in the next month. We want to get the patio expanded so we have more space outside to hang out in. We are going to get that done as soon as we get our tax refund. Another project is to dig out and finish the second garden bed. We haven’t done anything with it since we went through the cable line last year. We want to finish that because we have heard it should be a good summer (not to hot) and so we are hoping for an awesome veggie abundance. Unlike last year where everything flowered, but nothing actually came of it.

As for baby, things have been going good. We have had a midwife appointment and another doctors appointment since the last post. Because we have the midwife and doctor, even though we only see each one once a month, we have them on opposite schedules so we see at least one of them every two weeks. At each of the last appointments, Pixel has been measuring right on schedule and has a heartbeat around 150 bpm. Everything is looking good so far. I have only gained about 10 pounds since the beginning of the drugs for the IUI cycle. I have finally grown out of my pants. Instead of purchasing Maternity clothes, we just went out and bought some dresses that will give me room for a growing tummy. I still fit into one pair of capris, but it has been to cold in the mornings to wear them. In the afternoon it has been warming up enough, but we still have occasional days where it is to cold all day.


<– Week 6 / Week 17 –>

I had really bad morning sickness from week 12-14. I could eat anything, but nothing seemed to want to stay down. It was bad. But since week 14, I have been fine. The flu went around the school district and many of my co-workers got sick and had to go get antibiotics. I got a small version, but mine wasn’t nearly as bad. I was just groggy and sleepy for 36 hours. However, I have been getting migraines off and on since then. It was about 4 days of full on migraines except when sleeping. Then it tapered off into just occasionally. I think it also had to do with the fact that we got some prescription prenatal samples from the doctor and the midwife said it would be okay if I mixed it up and took different ones occasionally. I took a different one right before I got sick and started getting all of the migraines. I stopped taking it and went back to my regular one and the migraines seem to be going away. Who knows exactly what it was.

We have had a thief in our house for the last week. Poleeko is being a little devil and I think he is trying to get a ton of attention. He keeps taking the hand towels from all over the house and storing them under the bed. We use to keep our closet open and had all the extra handtowels and rags on a shelf in there. One morning I went in there and there wasn’t a single one left. They were all in a pile under the bed along with a stuffed animal from my mantle (no idea how he got that one). We are at our wit’s end trying to figure out what to do. We are about ready to find a ribbon and tie a towel to his tail so he has one with him constantly.

That is about all that is going on in our neck of the woods. I have 12 more weeks until summer break which I am looking forward to! Granted next week is spring break, but summer break is better. 🙂


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