Tag Archive: California

2 weeks

2 weeks from now, Darrell and I will be hanging out at my parents house enjoying our vacation with our families. We are so excited and know that this is something that we need. Living so far away makes it hard to see family. We are lucky that we are able to afford to go home and visit for vacation. It will definitely be nice when we move back to within decent driving distance and the ability to go home for a long weekend.

Other than that, we set up the house a little bit for Christmas. We didn’t want to go all out as we are leaving and will probably take it down before we leave. Basically, we only put up the tree :). The cats love it! When we are asleep or not home they love to get into it and since it is a fake tree, they bend the branches, so we know they were in it. But when we are home, they pretend that they want nothing to do with it. Those devils! Our neighbor has said she will watch them while we are gone, and we are hoping they handle the length okay. They seemed fairly irritated at us after the trip to Phoenix when we were gone for 9 days. This time we are going to be gone for 13 days. We shall see how much they tear up the house while we are gone.

We got a little snowstorm on Sunday night/Monday morning. It ended up dropping about 1.5 inches. It has been a really cold week. I think that yesterday was the highest temperature we had all week at 52. We are coming out of the cold front and next week is suppose to get up to the upper 60’s. The best part of this cold front for me has been that the cats have been really cuddly and lovey. They are always curling up as close to me as they can and they want lots of attention.

… so little time/money to do them.

We have so many things filling up our calendar lately. Our three big months are: October, December, and April.

October: Darrell wants to go down to Austin and go on a bat cruise (a single night on a cruise to watch the bats fly off for food at dusk). Then we are going to be in Phoenix for a whole week because Darrell has a class to attend that his company is paying for. Then I am driving down to Houston (hopefully) to see a college friend. Then right around Halloween, Lorna is coming out to visit and pick up her motorhome.

December: Not as many things planned as in October, but one big thing. We are planning on heading out to Southern California for the holidays so that we can visit with family and get to see our niece (Hazel) and nephew (due Halloween). We haven’t fully decided on when exactly and if we are heading out.

April: We are still in talks about heading on the cruise in April. It would be a wonderful vacation and some much needed time away (plus it would be with friends and not just us). Then the weekend after we would get back from the cruise, my cousin is getting married in Washington. Plus then about two weeks later is the Beerfestival in California.

So many things and not enough money. We have to pick and choose which things we would like to do. We also don’t know if Darrell’s sister is going to plan her wedding reception in June or not.

Things would be so much easier and more affordable if we lived on the west coast. 😛 (AKA Reasonable driving distance to everything)

… when you’re having fun!

We have had a very busy month. We headed out to California for the Boonville Beer Festival. It was so much fun seeing friends and getting a chance to hang out. We loved spending time camping with them even though it rained.

I also successfully planned a surprise dinner gathering for Darrell with all of his Santa Cruz friends. For those that know me, keeping a surprise was a huge thing! I suck at it. But Darrell had fun getting to see those friends who showed up. It was a good night. It was so hard to fly back home the next day. But we know we will be heading to California for good in a couple years.

We had been getting a lot of phone calls from our timeshare company for us to come out and do an owner survey. We didn’t want to, but we were basically coerced into going last weekend. We decided to go to one of the ones closest to Tyler so that we could visit one of our other friends who didn’t make it to the Beerfestival. There were lots of problems at the Timeshare, but hanging out with QD was a blast! We had dinner, hit up a club, and then watched some movies and whatnot.

Now we are back home and relaxing since we have been gone quite a bit in the last couple weeks. We are looking forward to a long relaxing Memorial Day weekend.

Now we have just a few more weeks until we can start a cycle of IUI. AF came early and made it so we couldn’t do a cycle this month. Now we wait until the next AF and then it’s time!

So I finally got a hold of the financial adviser at our clinic, and we have our numbers. It is going to cost right around $2,000 for each cycle of IUI. That is great as we have that and can afford to do three cycles pretty much right away. Now I just have to wait a whole month since we found out 2 days to late to start things this cycle.

So things we have to do in the next 30 days:

-Find a donor

– Finish organizing the beerfest

– Travel to California

– Prepare for a lot of traveling to Ft. Worth

Not to much to do right? We have time, and we are just really excited to be getting the show on the road.

Not sure if anyone still reads this, but I like to keep it updated so I have a way to talk about it without having to fill up my facebook feed. :p

Hey All!

So.. Darrell and I have been really busy since the last post. We flew to California for his Grammy’s 80th birthday. We had a blast! So much family and so little time. We wandered around the Pismo Beach area a lot. Then Darrell flew home and I stayed and visited with my family. I stayed in California for a couple weeks.

I drove home with my family as we were doing a long trip to visit some more family in Wisconsin and Nebraska. Plus Darrell and I acquired a couple of cats from my parents. So all in all, I was gone for a whole month. That is a main reason for this not being updated.

When I finished vacationing, it was time to get ready for the school year to start back up. We’ve been busy at school with lots of field trips and everything else going on. They gave me an actual route this year since we don’t have enough drivers. It’s kind of nice, but it’s a little monotonous. Oh well.. At least I don’t have to worry which route I’ll be on every day :).

That’s about all we have really been up to in the last couple months. Work, work, work. Plus we are still getting things organized in the house. We are truly loving the farmers market.. We just found out that it continues through most of the year, not just during the summer. That is massively exiting for us. We have been really enjoying the different produce. Especially the Orange Watermelon. Way better than red. 😛

Just last weekend, I had a 3-day weekend (Yeah for Columbus Day), so we traveled over to Tyler, TX to visit a friend who has an internship over there. We had a blast and enjoyed our long weekend without worrying about work.

Well.. .Gotta run to get some more school work done.. Been procrastinating enough already. 😛 Hope y’all have a great day!

~S. Ross

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