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We took the boys to Legoland as an early Christmas present. We stayed at the Legoland Hotel for two days and did the park for both days. My mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, and niece all came with us. It was an amazing experience and both boys really enjoyed it. Edward got to ride all of the rides which made him super happy. Morgan got to ride a lot of the rides and was really happy just running around. Both of them were sooo worn out at the end of the day that they were asleep within minutes of their heads hitting the pillows. We had anticipated that it would be really busy since it was a Saturday and Sunday, but it was actually pretty quiet. A lot of the rides were so quiet that we got to ride them multiple times without having to get out. I think the longest wait time we had was about 15 minutes. Overall, we all enjoyed our weekend and Darrell has even said he would be willing to go back. Next time we would probably try to get to the park much earlier each day. My only big complaint was that most of the restaurants in the hotel closed fairly quickly after the park closed, so there wasn’t much time to do anything after the park if you stayed until close. 

We flew down to California for my Grandmother’s 80th Birthday Party. We decided to go ahead and make a full trip of it and surprised the boys with a trip to Legoland as an early Christmas present. So I am breaking it down into 3 different posts. This one is about the few things we did outside of the birthday party and Legoland. We hung out with my family, played at the beach in San Diego, had fun at Balboa Park, and met up with Darrell’s cousin. I bought the boys their own suitcases that fit under the seat in front of them. They were absolutely enthralled with having their own and they pulled them throughout the airports.

We had Morgan’s 2nd Birthday at The Farm at Swan’s Trail. His favorite book is Little Blue Truck, so we went with that theme. We rented a party room and invited our friends. It is an awesome pumpkin patch with a lot of kids activities. Morgan had a lot of fun and I think all the other kids had fun too. We spent all day there and the boys were sooo tired on the drive home. It was a very successful day. I can’t believe he is two already!

We had a crazy busy October. At the beginning of the month, we took the boys to go see the Cirque Du Soleil show Volta. We weren’t completely sure how the boys would do at the show, but we figured the only way to find out was to go. It was an awesome time. The boys had a lot of fun and enjoyed the show. They were on the edge of their seats the whole time watching. 

Edward also started Kindergarten at the Montessori school We had been struggling with getting him to focus on writing last year, so his teachers pulled out some new material for him this year. We were excited when he brought home a story that he wrote. 

The ducks got some more outside time and really enjoyed that. Darrell also fixed up some more of their pen so he could clean it out. 

We did the annual Trick or Treating at Concur and then Darrell took the boys around the neighborhood for Halloween. Morgan likes to help bring the trashcan back up to the house after it is picked up. It is just his size. 


On the night of September 26, Astrid had gotten outside and got into a cat fight. We checked her out when we got her back inside and couldn’t find anything, so we assumed she came out fine. All day the next day, she wouldn’t eat and wasn’t really herself. Friday, she still wasn’t eating or anything, so we took her to the vet. We were worried about dehydration, so they gave her a saline bag and couldn’t find any wounds. However, her temperature was getting high and they were concerned about an infection, so they gave her some antibiotics. We took her home to wait and see. 

Saturday was basically a repeat of Friday. Still no activity or eating from her and back to the vet for the saline bag. They also did an x-ray to see if there was internal bleeding. They didn’t find any, but they did see a slight area where there was bruised tissue. So we went back home and did some more wait and see until Monday, but we kept her secluded in the guest room so she would have quiet to recuperate. 

Monday morning when I went in to check on her, I saw some blood on the floor. I caught Astrid and looked for the wound. It was right near her butt, so I called the vet and they thought it sounded like a burst anal gland. We took her in so they could drain and clean it. Turns out, it wasn’t a burst anal gland, but it was an abscess that had finally burst from the fight. While they were cleaning around the abscess and shaving her fur, they found a bigger one on her right side. Because of the bigger wound, we needed to schedule surgery. It was scheduled for Wednesday so that any skin that was going to die would already be dead. 

Wednesday morning October 3, I took her in for surgery. After they had finished the surgery, they gave me a call. It was bad. The wound on her right side was a quick stitch after removing some dead tissue. However, when they shaved her for surgery, they found a much bigger wound on her left side that had finally burst. It was like whatever got her had almost removed her tail. They had to use staples and stitches to fix it up and put in a couple drains. So we brought her home and quarantined her in the room.

Saturday morning after the surgery, we went back to the vets to have the drains removed. Everything looked like it was healing well. Next appointment set for Wednesday to check on possibly removing the stitches. 

Sunday night/Monday morning, the wound on the left started looking bad and the staples were starting to split. We took her back to the vet. The left side didn’t have enough time before it was stitched, so a good part of what they stitched was dying skin so the stitches and staples were coming apart. So once again, after a really long tough talk with Darrell and I, she was scheduled for surgery again on Wednesday, October 10. They went in and removed all the dead skin and sewed her shut so it wouldn’t come open again. 

When we brought her home after the 2nd surgery, we were concerned about her catching the cone on her wound and possibly opening it again, so at the recommendation of the vet, we went out and bought a couple baby onesies to put on her. It took a little bit from us and a lot of grumbling from her before we got it on. We then went and put her in the cage we have so that she was more confined (no jumping and popping anything). Somehow, within two hours, even though she didn’t have a lot of space, she still managed to wiggle out of the onesie. 

Finally, after 5 weeks and a lot of trips to the vet, she was able to come out of quarantine and we were able to take her cone off. It was a long and stressful month, but we did it. Now, because of the amount of skin they had to remove, she has a permanently crooked butt and she is no longer allowed to be outside except on a leash with us present. 

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