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Our January was fairly calm. We had some nice weather, so we spent time outside. Edward is getting better on his bike and is ready to move onto the training wheels, but still prefers the strider. It’s mostly because it keeps sending him one way or another instead of straight. We will get him on it soon since he is really to big to be on the strider.

Both boys started Speech therapy this month. Edward needs help with his “s” and “z” sounds. His therapist says he is doing good and improving. Morgan is just slow to start. He doesn’t really want to talk much, so we are working on getting him to start saying words and to begin mimicking us.

We finished the year with our trip to downtown Seattle which we have done every year since Morgan was born. We took it easy and didn’t do everything we normally do. We still had fun and some special family time. 

The Westlake Park Center:

The Gingerbread Village at Sheraton:

Seattle Waterfront:

Our overall December was pretty chill. We still did some things, but we took it easy after the trip to California. We still went to the zoo, decorated for Christmas, had friends over to decorate gingerbread cookies/houses, did our polar express night, attended Snowflake Lane and celebrated Christmas.

Decorating for Christmas:

Decorating Gingerbread cookies/houses:

Snowflake Lane:


Misc December:

November was a busy month for us. The beginning of the month was full of MLJ gigs. There was the MLJ 50 year reunion in Humboldt on the first weekend. Then the second weekend was the very last HSU football game in Vancouver Canada. There was a small group of people going and since we figured we were close enough, we headed up there to support the HSU football team and to have some fun with friends. 

After those two big weekends were over, it was crunch time for me. We hung around the house and did small things while I was finishing the prep for my Grandmother’s 80th birthday party. That will be another post though.


At the end of November, we went down to San Diego for my Grandmother’s 80th Birthday Party. I spent the last 18 months or so working on the party and am really happy with how it turned out. It took a lot of work and I had a lot of help from family, but we did it. My Grandmother was super happy with her party and a lot of guests commented on how well it turned out. Some people even said I should be a party planner. Hahaha! Not that I have time for that. We had almost 60 people attend and the location was super accommodating. 

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