I finally did it! After over 2 years of saying I will catch up, I finally caught up. This is the year I am going to try to stay on top of things. I made a couple resolutions for this year that I am hoping to stick with.
1.) Keep the blog updated – I am planning on posting at least once a month. I figure I should start small so I have a better chance of actually following through with it.
2.) Darrell and I have started exercising, so we are hoping to stick with it. A goal we both have is to be able to do a 5K together by the end of the year. So far we have been doing mostly good on the keeping up with the exercises.
3.) Get back down to prepregnancy weight – After delivering Morgan, I went back down to about 15 pounds over what I was before I got pregnant with him. I wasn’t super worried as with Edward, I held on to the last 10 pounds until after he weaned. Unfortunately, with Morgan, once he weaned, I put on even more weight going up higher than I was when I delivered him (and about where I was when I was 32 weeks pregnant with Edward). I was super unhappy with it, so I am focused on losing weight. I have set small goals so I can get down to where I want to be. I hope to get back below 200, but anywhere close to that would be awesome! We are talking about having another kid, but before we go that route, I want to be at least back to where I started with Morgan. Hopefully that will happen by summer. 🙂 Right now I am on track to do it.