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I finally did it! After over 2 years of saying I will catch up, I finally caught up. This is the year I am going to try to stay on top of things. I made a couple resolutions for this year that I am hoping to stick with.

1.) Keep the blog updated – I am planning on posting at least once a month. I figure I should start small so I have a better chance of actually following through with it.

2.) Darrell and I have started exercising, so we are hoping to stick with it. A goal we both have is to be able to do a 5K together by the end of the year. So far we have been doing mostly good on the keeping up with the exercises.

3.) Get back down to prepregnancy weight – After delivering Morgan, I went back down to about 15 pounds over what I was before I got pregnant with him. I wasn’t super worried as with Edward, I held on to the last 10 pounds until after he weaned. Unfortunately, with Morgan, once he weaned, I put on even more weight going up higher than I was when I delivered him (and about where I was when I was 32 weeks pregnant with Edward). I was super unhappy with it, so I am focused on losing weight. I have set small goals so I can get down to where I want to be. I hope to get back below 200, but anywhere close to that would be awesome! We are talking about having another kid, but before we go that route, I want to be at least back to where I started with Morgan. Hopefully that will happen by summer. 🙂 Right now I am on track to do it.


In the middle of January, Sharyn took a trip down to southern California. It was suppose to be for her sister’s bridal shower, but they decided to just make it a full sister day instead. We got our bridesmaid dresses fitted, did a bunch of shopping and went out to lunch. She took Morgan with her while Daddy and Edward stayed home. Edward loved it because he got to spend most of the weekend playing Magic or going places that Morgan can’t quite do yet. Morgan had a blast as he got to hang out with the cousins most of the weekend. It was a lot of fun even though it was short.

We did a bunch of playdates with friends this month. First up was a quick run to Thomas A Sullivan park with Ryder and Nicole. After some very wet days, we needed to blow some energy and it was great even though we got soaked and muddy. 🙂

Next up was a trip down to the zoo. We try to go at least once a month. There was a baby giraffe born at the end of June, and the boys like trying to find her when we go by. Darrell’s favorite animal is the otters, so we always try to get a picture for him. Our usual schedule for the zoo is arrive, go to the zoomasium to play for a few hours, go to the cafeteria for lunch, and then wander around the zoo and get some more energy out outside. We usually try to leave by 3 so we can be at the forefront of the traffic.

And of course, we had our usual fun around the house. Edward has been obsessed with Magic the card game and has been playing it nonstop with Daddy. He is doing so well at playing the game and we are seeing him improve a ton with his math. Morgan is just being a toddler and exploring all of his surroundings. He is getting really good at climbing things and has the best balance. He is running and is expressing his thoughts and wants. Not quite talking just yet, but he does let us know what he wants. He loves to go to bed and will take a book with him. Doesn’t let us actually read it to him, but he will flip through the pages.

December is usually a really busy month for us. This year was a bit more low key as we spent a lot of it sick. The first week and a half was us stuck with Hand Foot Mouth Disease and not able to do anything. Then we spent the next week and a half trying to do a bunch of different holiday events but not over exerting ourselves. We did however, decorate the house a bit and did a couple crafts at home. Edward even wrote out his own wish list this year! And of course, we went and did our annual Santa photo.

We did Swansons nursery. We were suppose to go with friends, but things came up and they couldn’t make it. We still had fun and I got some good shots of the boys.

We also took some friends down to Bellevue and watched Snowflake Lane. It was a lot of fun because we were able to play in the play area a bit before the show and Daddy was able to walk over after work and meet up with us. The kids loved all the excitement and were just awestruck the whole show.

Grammy came into town just before Christmas and we had our annual Polar Express Night. We only had a few friends over as I wasn’t fully up to having a bunch of people over and getting a big party planned. I think it went great though! The next day, we decorated the gingerbread houses that we had been making. Darrell was super proud of the fact he made them all from scratch by himself. Well… with the help of the boys.

Since we were sick through most of Christmas, we went and did our downtown holiday events on New Years Eve. We took the link down and we wandered through the gingerbread village, played on some playgrounds, and then took the monorail to Seattle Center and did some ice skating and looking at the train setup they have there. It was a nice day and we love going to see all the flashiness downtown occasionally. Edward wasn’t super confident on the ice skates and it was really busy this time, so he didn’t do much skating. Oh well!

We have used the rafters above the garage for storage of empty boxes for a while. It has always been funky figuring out which large box to put down first and then awkwardly stack the smaller boxes on top. Since we had all those left-over boards from redoing the decks, we chose to put some of them to use. We attached them with only two screws each and spaced them widely. They made the storage area far easier to use and larger. A single pic follows.

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