We improve every home we live in, as renters or owners. The “home-improvement” category is tagged on all posts on our site about improvements we have made to houses. A list of them follows.
- Storage Space ImprovementWe have used the rafters above the garage for storage of empty boxes for a while. It has always been funky figuring out which large box to put down first and then awkwardly stack the smaller boxes on top. Since we had all those left-over boards from redoing the decks, we chose to put some ...
- Front DeckJust like the back deck, the front deck needed a little loving. It wasn’t quite as rotted but it was getting things all splintery. So we went ahead and redid that one too. It went much faster as we had our learning curve on the back deck. Since we had the boards off the deck, Darrell ...
- Back DeckLast winter, we realized that the decks both needed to be redone. The back deck was starting to rot and we weren’t fully trusting that the kids wouldn’t go through it if they played on it. It was on the back of our minds for awhile until July. In July, Morgan was crawling around out front and ...
- 2016 GardenSo we spent a good chunk of time working on the garden this year. Darrell spent time pulling out the dirt to put down wire to hopefully help keep the rodents out. Then he added another board to the side to raise the beds and added a bunch of compost to make them a lot ...
- New Garbage DisposalThis post serves two purposes. First, it is a test of a WordPress posting app using my phone. Hopefully this will streamline the whole photos+text-to-internet thing. Second, a minor update. 🙂 The garbage disposal at our house never really worked well. It vibrated so bad it would cause the entire kitchen sink to shudder. And it ...
- New FenceWhen we first moved into this house, we had talked to the landlord about putting in a fence. Over time, we still talked, but didn’t really push to do much. We finally got the information together, passed it along to our landlord who amazingly funded it for us and then we got moving. Our quote ...
- Cleaning UpAfter that Storm and power outage, we had a little bit of cleaning up. By little bit of cleaning up, I mean we had to borrow a chainsaw and clean up the tree that fell down. We cut it up and then stacked the wood to the side so our neighbors will have some wood ...
- GardenOur garden has been taking off. It has grown big and bushy over the last few months. For a little while, we only thought we were going to get basil, but now everything is starting to produce. We have gotten a few zucchini, some peas, some wax beans, some cherry tomatoes, and some broccoli (though ...
- Spring GardenDarrell and I worked hard this year to get a garden set up at our place. We didn’t move in until May last year and by the time we got finished moving in and everything, it was to late to start the project of making garden beds and getting a garden planted. So we started ...
- Side of Lynnwood HouseWhen we first moved into the house, we wandered around the house and Darrell saw the mess of plants that have creeped over the side of the wall and took over the side of the house. Unfortunately, the blackberry bushes had gone up under the siding and was blocking the output for the fireplace so it ...
- A nice photo showing four of our projects: Garden Beds, Fence, New Decking (can’t really see it), moved Pipe.