Today we celebrate 6 years together as a married couple. I can’t believe it has been 6 years since we stood in a meadow and declared our love for each other. Here is to many, many more years!
Category: Wedding
One last post and I promise I am done for the day. 😛 (this is what happens when you are busy and neglectful of things you like to do)
Darrell reminded me that we haven’t posted anywhere about our registry and he has had many people ask him. So for those who want to know, we have registered at Amazon. There is some on a Target registry, but ignore that. I haven’t figured out how to delete it yet.
Any questions, ask. 🙂
Well… I finally did it. Finished uploading many of the pictures that people gave us. I didn’t put all of the photo’s up since there were a lot. If you have some photo’s and wouldn’t mind sharing with us, we would love to have them! Thanks!
These are the photo’s from: Jennifer Radke, Turtle Kalus, Peggy Miniclier, Grandma Radke, Laurie Radke, Joni Werdeman, and Vanessa Thomas.
As I was going through the pictures, I noticed that there were a lot of pictures of funny faces, so I am going to make an album of them next chance I get. Just wanted to get these posted.
Hey y’all!
Darrell and I have been working on getting settled here in Texas. Darrell has been at his job now for two weeks, and I am still looking. Therefore, I have more time to get wedding pictures up online. I will be working on getting them up in the next couple of days. Here is the first big batch of pictures. These are the pics from John the photographer. Hope you enjoy and check back for more updates soon!
Hey Everyone!
Here are some pictures from the wedding. These are the ones that we have up right now. More will come later once we are settled in Texas.