Category: Visits

At the end of November, we went down to San Diego for my Grandmother’s 80th Birthday Party. I spent the last 18 months or so working on the party and am really happy with how it turned out. It took a lot of work and I had a lot of help from family, but we did it. My Grandmother was super happy with her party and a lot of guests commented on how well it turned out. Some people even said I should be a party planner. Hahaha! Not that I have time for that. We had almost 60 people attend and the location was super accommodating. 

We took the boys to Legoland as an early Christmas present. We stayed at the Legoland Hotel for two days and did the park for both days. My mom, dad, sister, brother-in-law, and niece all came with us. It was an amazing experience and both boys really enjoyed it. Edward got to ride all of the rides which made him super happy. Morgan got to ride a lot of the rides and was really happy just running around. Both of them were sooo worn out at the end of the day that they were asleep within minutes of their heads hitting the pillows. We had anticipated that it would be really busy since it was a Saturday and Sunday, but it was actually pretty quiet. A lot of the rides were so quiet that we got to ride them multiple times without having to get out. I think the longest wait time we had was about 15 minutes. Overall, we all enjoyed our weekend and Darrell has even said he would be willing to go back. Next time we would probably try to get to the park much earlier each day. My only big complaint was that most of the restaurants in the hotel closed fairly quickly after the park closed, so there wasn’t much time to do anything after the park if you stayed until close. 

We flew down to California for my Grandmother’s 80th Birthday Party. We decided to go ahead and make a full trip of it and surprised the boys with a trip to Legoland as an early Christmas present. So I am breaking it down into 3 different posts. This one is about the few things we did outside of the birthday party and Legoland. We hung out with my family, played at the beach in San Diego, had fun at Balboa Park, and met up with Darrell’s cousin. I bought the boys their own suitcases that fit under the seat in front of them. They were absolutely enthralled with having their own and they pulled them throughout the airports.

We missed the family reunion weekend this year because Darrell had a conference in Portland the week after so we didn’t want to have to make the boys do the trip twice. So instead, we headed down while Darrell was at his conference and my mom had hung around for the extra couple weeks. The boys had fun. Edward had a rough time with everything that we had going on, but overall they had fun. He got to go toad hunting with Grandma at night and got to spend a bunch of time running around. Morgan spent a lot of his time throwing the ball for Bear.

Tofino 2018

We went up to Tofino British Columbia for Darrell’s Grandad’s 90th birthday party in early July. We had so much fun and there were a lot of family members around. It was a beautiful trip and Darrell wants to go back so we can wander around some more.

The trip up there was long because we left early in the morning after the 4th of July. But either way, we made it. We caravanned up with Darrell’s sister and uncle. It was fun until Morgan threw up about 30 minutes outside of Tofino. The roads were curvy and we think he has a bit of car sickness on curvy roads. 🙁

It was a beautiful location and there were amazing views every where you walked.

We spent a lot of time with the family while we were there.

We even spent time down at the beach.

And of course, we got a family picture on the beach. I even had to write Pixel’s name and include him in a small way. 🙂

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