Category: Updates

In January, we had a Flat Stanley from one of Darrell’s coworkers kids, so we went around Seattle and saw a bunch of the typical touristy spots. Edward loved visiting and seeing things.

We also went ahead and took Edward bowling again. He only really likes to play for the first game and part of a second, so we just finished up while he wandered and played in the arcade.

March was a big month for us. I took the boys to Fort Dent Park in Renton.

We also took a trip down to Boonville for the Ross family reunion. It was a long drive, but the boys did great! We stopped in Medford for an hour or two at a kids museum to let the boys get out of their carseats and stretch. Then we finished the drive. We enjoyed spending the long weekend with all the family and Edward loved the attention. We went to Pennyroyal Farm and got to see all their baby goats. Then on the way home, we stopped in Humboldt to visit friends and got to see the Elk herd on the way home. It was a great trip!

In April, we headed up to Mt. Vernon for the first time since I was pregnant with Edward. It was a lot of fun to have a kiddo and wander the fields of tulips.

In May, it was a bit warmer than usual, so we had a lot of fun in the water through sprinklers and the pool in the front yard.

In June, we went to the Rose garden and the Woodland Park Zoo with Grammy. We also headed up to the Big 4 Ice Caves with all of our friends half way through the month. At the end of the month, we went to the Midsommerfest in Kirkland. All in all, we had a slow-ish start to a crazy busy summer.

This post serves two purposes. First, it is a test of a WordPress posting app using my phone. Hopefully this will streamline the whole photos+text-to-internet thing. Second, a minor update. 🙂

The garbage disposal at our house never really worked well. It vibrated so bad it would cause the entire kitchen sink to shudder. And it took a long time to grind up even simple things.

Our awesome landlord Chris allowed us to purchase and install a new one ourselves and take it out of the rent.

Some photos of the endeavor follow. It only took about 20 minutes too!

Old Garbage Disposal

New Garbage Disposal

October Posts

I am almost caught up!!!! It only took me a few weeks once I started actually doing it, but I did it! So, these are the October posts.

28 months


Family Picture

SoCal Trip


CWU Trip



We haven’t yet done much in November. Mainly I attended a baby shower for one of the Mom’s in my mom’s group and Darrell is just busy with school. It will get much busier with the holidays right around the corner and with Edward being big enough to fully enjoy it, we have a lot on our plate.


Still working on catching up. We have been a bit busier than I thought. Here are the September posts:

Storm/Power Outage

27 months

Cleaning Up

More Bubbles


New Fence

Drive Electric Week

Snoqualmie Falls

Great Wheel


First Haircut

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