Category: Updates

March 2018

We had a super busy March. We had a playdate at the Everett Children’s Museum with a friend.

We also had a bunch of fun at different parks and playdates with friends around town, we went to a friends birthday party at an inflatable jump place, we went for a family bike ride around Greenlake, we went swimming, and we enjoyed (haha!) an early spring snowstorm.

We had a fairly chill February. We didn’t actually do much. Our wednesdays are our busy days. Edward has school, then swim lessons and then we head over to the rec center to go swimming for a few hours. It’s a blast and the boys usually sleep really well that night.

We had a decent day and Daddy had a really long dentist appointment, so we wandered down to Woodinville and played at a park there. The boys also got some fun riding their bikes around.

We went down to the Bellevue Mall and attended the Chinese New Year Celebration. It was fun and the boys liked all the music and dancing. Edward especially liked doing the crafts.

We also took a trip up to Burlington. I found a post on Facebook about a company who was opening up their showroom for kids to come and ride their bikes. They had all sorts of balance bikes available for the kids to borrow. Edward was struggling switching from the trike to the bike, so we figured if he saw other kids, he would maybe get the feel for things. He was a little unsure of at first, but after a couple hours, he was moving with the kids. We went ahead and got him a balance bike and he is loving it and is all over the place with it now. Still not confident enough to get the pedals going, but he is fast on the balance bike. Morgan got to try a little bit at the company, but he was still a bit small. He keeps trying at home. Maybe this summer he will be out there with the bigger kids.

And of course, we spent time around the house just doing our thing.


I finally did it! After over 2 years of saying I will catch up, I finally caught up. This is the year I am going to try to stay on top of things. I made a couple resolutions for this year that I am hoping to stick with.

1.) Keep the blog updated – I am planning on posting at least once a month. I figure I should start small so I have a better chance of actually following through with it.

2.) Darrell and I have started exercising, so we are hoping to stick with it. A goal we both have is to be able to do a 5K together by the end of the year. So far we have been doing mostly good on the keeping up with the exercises.

3.) Get back down to prepregnancy weight – After delivering Morgan, I went back down to about 15 pounds over what I was before I got pregnant with him. I wasn’t super worried as with Edward, I held on to the last 10 pounds until after he weaned. Unfortunately, with Morgan, once he weaned, I put on even more weight going up higher than I was when I delivered him (and about where I was when I was 32 weeks pregnant with Edward). I was super unhappy with it, so I am focused on losing weight. I have set small goals so I can get down to where I want to be. I hope to get back below 200, but anywhere close to that would be awesome! We are talking about having another kid, but before we go that route, I want to be at least back to where I started with Morgan. Hopefully that will happen by summer. 🙂 Right now I am on track to do it.


Some photo roundups of Morgan from January to April (3-6 months)





I know, I know… I keep promising to stay up to date on here, but have failed. It has now been almost 18 months since my last post and there is a reason for it I promise!!

This is my reason:

Yep. We had another baby! Meet Morgan Elliot Finn! He was born on October 21, 2016. It was a fairly rough pregnancy with morning sickness, constant problems popping up (cyst on my ovary, cysts on my eyes, staph infection), baby measurements jumping really fast (went from on time to 5 weeks ahead in 4 weeks), and a week overdue. So we have been really busy on this end. I am going to try to get some updates out as I get a chance and since Morgan is now starting to sleep 12 hours at night, I have a little bit more time in my evenings, so this blog is on my forefront.  So there will be more updates to come in the near future. First up though is going to be Morgan’s birth story.

Here is a recent picture of us all:


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