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In April, we headed up to Mt. Vernon for the first time since I was pregnant with Edward. It was a lot of fun to have a kiddo and wander the fields of tulips.

In May, it was a bit warmer than usual, so we had a lot of fun in the water through sprinklers and the pool in the front yard.

In June, we went to the Rose garden and the Woodland Park Zoo with Grammy. We also headed up to the Big 4 Ice Caves with all of our friends half way through the month. At the end of the month, we went to the Midsommerfest in Kirkland. All in all, we had a slow-ish start to a crazy busy summer.

Harvested our first zucchini today. With four plants this year and the beds shielded from rodents with wire mesh, we should see quite an increase from last year. 

The tomato plants, some now nearly six feet tall (with enough trellis to reach eight feet tall), also have fruit already growing. 

The broccoli heads are coming along too and the next round of peas are nearly ready. They have only just reached the turning point on the trellis – I’m hopeful they will grow up to he fence, allowing Edward to walk under then and pick them. 

Our January mainly consisted of hanging out at home and going to FTC events. There was an interleague event where we learned that all three teams made it to State Championships in Renton at the end of January. At the State Championships, we had two teams continue on to Regionals. Regionals were in Oakland towards the end of March. We decided since it happened to coincide with Darrell’s spring break where we usually head down to visit his family in Boonville that we would just make our way down and help haul some stuff.

February was a flurry of activity. Swerve was invited to help volunteer at an FTC event in Victoria, BC. Sharyn was roped into volunteering and dealing with all the paperwork and details to get a group of about 15 students across the border and where they needed to go. Edward had a blast hanging out with all of the teenagers.

Late in February Darrell and Edward headed over to Monroe for the annual Model Train show. Sharyn wasn’t feeling great, so she ended up staying home. It looks like they had a blast!

March was our big travel month. Lorna came to visit us just before Spring break, so she hitched a ride with us as we went to California. We drove down through Humboldt and visited our friends from our college days. Then we hit up Boonville and visited with Darrell’s family and dropped Lorna off in Ukiah. After the couple days in Boonville, we headed the rest of the way down to the bay area for the Regional championships. The teams did great and one team made it all the way to World’s at the end of April. It was in St. Louis, so we didn’t end up making that trip out.

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