Category: Seattle

Grammy came to town and was staying at a friends house in Renton. Since she was nearby, we let Edward head down for a weekend and spend time with Grammy by himself. He seemed to have a lot of fun and would call me just to see how I was doing and to check on his brother. Grammy took some photos to share with us.

We had quite a wet spring this year, so even though we waited until the end of the month (like we normally do so the crowds are smaller, it actually happened to be on one of the only sunny dry weekends we had. So, it was a bit busier than normal, but because the season is late, there were still thousands of flowers and almost all of them were still in full bloom. So we didn’t have to hike out to see the big fields. They were just right there. We had a lot of fun and the kids loved running around. Morgan loved feeling all the flowers and smelling them. Since it was a wet year, the grounds were dry, but they were still spongy. Walking out to the fields felt like walking on the rubber of a playground. We stopped at Snow Goose Produce and for the very first time, the line wasn’t ridiculously long, so we grabbed some ice cream. We didn’t know the cones were so huge, so we all got one. Way to much though!! Our favorite across the bunch was the Salted caramel. The others we tried were death by chocolate, huckleberry, strawberry, some coffee one (I’m not a fan, so I didn’t try that one) and a regular chocolate one. The others were good, but we all loved the salted caramel. We hung out at Roozengarde and had a blast for the rest of the day. It is nice to be able to just walk through the tulips and the kids have more room. We actually haven’t done anything else for the festival in all the years we have been going. I was bummed that I was having problems with the camera, so a lot of the photos were out of focus, but they are still beautiful photos.

At the beginning of April, a friend mentioned a dinosaur show that had come into town so we headed over to Monroe to check it out. It sounded like it would be a lot of fun and while the kids loved the dinosaurs, it was definitely not worth the cost of getting in. All of the activities had long lines for a short time or it cost more money. Like there was an activity to pay $5 to blow up a balloon until it popped. It was ridiculous. We didn’t even hang out for an hour before heading out. Next time, we will remember to look up reviews before we go to anything. 

March 2018

We had a super busy March. We had a playdate at the Everett Children’s Museum with a friend.

We also had a bunch of fun at different parks and playdates with friends around town, we went to a friends birthday party at an inflatable jump place, we went for a family bike ride around Greenlake, we went swimming, and we enjoyed (haha!) an early spring snowstorm.

Once again, we found a beautiful day to head down to UW for the Cherry Blossom Festival. It is always gorgeous to see all the flowers even though it kills my allergies. The boys love running around in the big open area and wandering around campus.

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