Category: Seattle

Our local zoo just got some 18 month old Rhino’s. Taj and Glen were born Nov 7 & 8, 2016, so they are about the same age as Morgan. We have been heading to the zoo once a month, but we finally got a chance to do the Rhino encounter on May 25th and the boys got to feed them some bamboo stems. It was really fun as we were at the zoo with our cousins from Texas and with a friend. We love going to the zoo and we try to go once a month.

Back in September, we had some professional photos taken while we were at a pumpkin patch. Because of the package I bought, I was entered into a drawing to win a free 1 hour photo shoot. I found out around my birthday (between all the seizures, hand foot mouth disease, and car accidents) that I won the drawing. We scheduled a date for early May, but Edward’s little accident made us need to reschedule for a later day in May. We finally got it scheduled and went and had them done in downtown Snohomish. Jon with Jon Kaplan Photography was amazing! Morgan was not feeling into anyone taking his picture and we tried a bunch of things before needing to resort to suckers. Overall though, he got a bunch of great photos. These are some of my favorites.

We finally began our garden this year. It was a long cold winter, so the weather is just now really cooperating, but we did a little bit last month. Lorna bought us some Tulips when we went to the festival, so we planted them in the upper garden. The boys are having a blast helping dig and turn the soil. Morgan even enjoyed helping Mommy do all the weeding in the upper bed. We will see how it improves as the summer goes on.

April 2018

We did a lot of big things last month, but in between, there is always the little stuff..

Easter 2018

For Easter this year, we had originally planned on having a few people over for dinner et al, but of course, the boys came down with a cold the day before, so we ended up canceling. Darrell’s mom joined us and one of Darrell’s coworkers came over. They usually play Magic on Sunday’s, so it just fit in. The night before, we went ahead and colored our easter eggs. Morgan really loved it. He kept trying to get the eggs and throw them into the cups or crack them on the table. A lot of the time was spent with Darrell and I wrangling him away from breaking everything. Edward of course loved coloring the eggs and kept talking about all the different things he wanted to do.

Then day of we hung out, and the kids got their Easter baskets. They got some fun summer stuff to enjoy this year. Later, the big kids played Magic, we did an egg hunt, and I made dinner and a cake.

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