Category: Seattle

Busy Busy is the name of our summers. We finished the last month of summer the way we always do. Super busy..

We did blueberry picking:

The ducks are almost 3 months old and Darrell had to add some gravel to make the pool drainage easier:

We had lots of fun overall with playdates and with swim lessons:

We also did the Space Elevator competition at the Museum of Flight. Darrell was asked to be a judge again, so we all went as a family:

We did another hike out to the Ice Caves. We had to keep changing the date, so only one other family joined us, but it was a beautiful day and it was really nice.

We did our normal raspberry picking again this year. The boys love it and it is a great little family tradition we could start. This year, we took it a bit easier and only got about 20 pounds.

July 2018

We had a busy July with Grandad’s 90th birthday in Tofino, Ice Caves hike, a baseball game, among other things. But the little moments are just as special.

May 2018

We got Edward a crystal growing kit at the Vancouver Aquarium last August. We misplaced it for a bit and just found it in April. Edward had a blast getting it ready and even though it took a bit for the crystal to grow and he wasn’t a big fan of waiting, he loved seeing the crystal afterwards.

Late April through late June we usually have a bunch of friends’ birthday parties. This May was no different. We had a birthday party every weekend this month. The boys really loved all the activity and especially all the cake and friends.

We also went out to Paine Field for Aviation Day. We missed the first half of the day because we had a birthday party in the morning. We thought there was plenty of time, but by the time we got there, even though there was about 3 hours left, a lot of things were being packed up already. We aren’t sure whether there will be another one next year as Paine Field is opening up for commercial flights. We had fun anyways. Morgan got to run around and Edward and Grammy got to climb up into an airplane and look around.

Other photos from the month of May:

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