Category: Photos


This last month has been stressful to say the least. We did a lot of traveling which Edward is definitely a champ at. There are the “wonder weeks” where babies are growing and so they get fussy and like to eat every hour and then cry for seemingly no reason. Edward hit his 12 week one and is still going strong. Once he realizes we are starting to get him ready for bed, he starts crying and nothing helps him. He is fed, has a clean diaper, isn’t too hot or too cold (as we constantly cover and uncover him to figure it out). All we have come up with doing is to hold him and rock him while quietly talking to him to help him sleep. This process can take anywhere from half an hour to over 90 minutes. I usually start the process by feeding him and rocking him, and if he doesn’t go down within 45 minutes, I pass him off to Darrell who tries for half an hour. We only pass off if we are getting frustrated. Once he is down though, he goes back down no problem after eating.

Other than the bedtime routine, everything else has been smooth sailing. He doesn’t always like to nap during the day, so sometimes I end up doing a shortened period of bedtime routine just to get him to take a half hour nap. He is usually up for about two hours and then sleeps for 30-60 minutes. He tends to take about 3 naps during the day.

So our typical daily routine is approximately:

Wake-up 7:30

eat 7:45-8

play 8-10

eat 10-10:15

sleep 10:30-12:30

play 12:30-1

eat 1-1:15

play 1:15-1:45

sleep 2-3

play 3-4:30

eat 4:30-4:45

sleep 5-5:30

eat 5:30-5:45

play 5:45-6:30

eat 6:30-6:45

bedtime routine start 7

usually asleep between 7:30-9

wakes up to eat at midnight, and 4.

During play time, we do a couple things. He likes to sit on the couch and play with a handkerchief. We put him on the mat on the floor and put a mirror over him so he can talk to the baby in the mirror. He gets tummy time in front of a mirror. We sing songs, read books, take walks and he talks to the dining room light. He is starting to reach for items and grab them intentionally. He can’t hold onto them, but he will play with it for a little bit.

We also got our first belly laugh out of him the day before his three months. We had gone to a BBQ at Uncle Kenny’s and Darrell was playing with Edward on a desk and Edward just got a big ole belly laugh going. I am still waiting for mine. He definitely likes to be in a sitting upright position and likes to be involved with whatever we are doing. He talks a lot now and is always making noises at things. He loves looking at words and always looks at Darrell’s white board in his office when we go down there. We wrote his name on it and he just looks and smiles and then starts to talk.

I don’t know his measurements and wont until next month, but I do know he has grown. He is out of his 3 month clothes and is already out of some of the 3-6 and 6 month clothes. We finally took the infant insert out of the carseat and he is getting to the point we might need to go ahead and buy another carseat before too long. We have also started putting him in the stroller without the carseat which is nice because it is less hassle to carry around, but with the way our stroller works, we lost a little bit of space once we did that.

Edward is now taking some naps in his crib and also the first part of bedtime is in his crib until Darrell and I go to bed when we move him to the cosleeper. I think this might be helping in aiding his need for a midnight feeding, so we are going to try putting him in the cosleeper the whole time and see how the nights go.

As for cloth diapers, we are still rocking it. I am currently doing about 2 loads every other day right now. One for diapers and one for spit rags since he is still a spitter. However, I am thinking that soon I will only have to do them every 3 days. We are consistently using about 15-16 diapers in those two days so we still have 9-10 more when I do laundry. I was going to try not to do diapers on the second day and wait until the third, but the best time for me to wash them is after Edward goes down for bed so I just wash them to be on the safe side. He doesn’t poop all that often (sometimes we only have one poopy diaper when we wash them), and it was something we worried about when it first started happening, but he does poop at least once in a 48 hour period, so we aren’t worried anymore. It doesn’t bother him, so we try not to let it bother us. 🙂

We are still breastfeeding. It is getting easier now that he is getting better/faster at it. I still try to pump so that we always have a bottle in the fridge, but for awhile, I was only getting a couple ounces (and I only like pumping once a day) so when Darrell would feed him, I would still have to go in since it wasn’t enough. I started to eat more avocado and Oatmeal and then only pump half an hour before bed and now I am getting about 4-5 ounces.








One year ago today, we sat in a little room waiting for the doctor. The nurse came in and we confirmed that the vial they were giving us was indeed our donor. Everything we wanted and hoped for laid in that vial. It was the last vial from the donor we had: the last chance of a brother or sister for Pixel: our last shot at trying for at least a year while we saved up money.

Everything looked good going into that room. The medications had worked like they were suppose to, I had three beautiful follicles and an amazing lining. The exact same scenario that we got pregnant with Pixel and Bit 10 months ago.

We were excited. The doctor came in, did the procedure and wished us luck as he walked out of the room. We sat for another 10 minutes and then I got up off the bed and got dressed. The nurses wished us luck as we left and gave me a form for a blood test in two weeks. I knew it would be a long two weeks waiting to see if it worked.

It ended up being a very long 9 months, but Edward is finally here and we are so happy. We are thankful for the science that allows us to get pregnant and the doctors and nurses who were there every step of the way and helped relieve any anxiety they could.


After we got back from Vancouver, we had a pretty busy week. That weekend was the Seattle Scottish Highland Games and we headed down to the fairgrounds on Saturday so Darrell could finish getting the items he needed for his Bagpipe outfit. It was also a way for him to find a local piper band to play with. There were a lot of bagpipes there and it was amazing. We absolutely loved it. We randomly ran into one of Darrell’s college friends (Larkin) and she was excited to meet Edward. Darrell got everything he needed and he even found out that he had a choice between a lot of bands to play with. He ended up going to two rehearsals and found one that he liked, so he will start practice again on Thursday nights (with the exception of this Thursday when we leave for Athabasca, AB). Depending on what we are doing next year, Darrell wants to go down and camp out for the whole weekend with everyone. We shall see though. 🙂







Darrell’s Kilt & Bagpipe Outfit:



That also happened to be the weekend that one of Darrell’s college friends (Julia, Mitch & their son Colin) was moving into town. Michelle & Jim (more college friends) were coming into town to visit them, so we all got together for dinner and then some of us hung out at the park across the street from us the next day. It was a lot of fun and we are looking forward to spending more time with Julia et al. At least it will be fun for me since we are both stay-at-home moms. It will be the much needed adult interaction when we have had enough child only interaction. 🙂





We headed up to Vancouver, BC to visit Darrell’s Grandad and Marie while Darrell attended an IEEE conference. It was a long week, but it was a nice first trip to Canada for Edward. We weren’t sure for awhile if we would be able to go as there were problems getting Edward’s birth certificate so we weren’t going to be able to get his passport without having to spend a lot of money for the expedited one. Luckily, we found out that if you are driving to Canada or Mexico, children don’t need a passport until they are 15 years old. They only need their birth certificates. Yay for us!

We left Seattle on Friday night around 7:30 and got into Vancouver around 10:30. It was quick and fairly pain-less. We crossed the border at the 539 near Aldergrove since it was only slated to be a 5 minute wait and I-5 was slated to be a 45 minute wait. Edward does not do well in his carseat in the car if the car is not moving, plus we would have needed to stop and feed him if we had to tack on another hour to the trip. Grandad & Marie had a nice room waiting for us and Edward slept great the whole time we were there. We got up early on Saturday and headed out to go catch the ferry over to visit Mary & Maurice at their place in Sechelt. It was a blast and they had a gorgeous view. We only stayed there for one night and then headed back to West Vancouver.

Darrell’s conference started on Monday in Downtown Vancouver, so he took the bus to downtown and spent the day down there. It was hard as it was his first long day away from Edward. Before then, the longest he spent away was a few hours when I would head out to do the shopping et al during the week. He was at the conference for 4 days coming back each evening. I took Edward into Downtown Vancouver on Tuesday so Darrell’s co-workers could meet Edward and we could hang out together. Tuesday was the day there wasn’t much that Darrell wanted to do on the conference list, so we had lunch and wandered around for awhile before heading back to go out to dinner with Grandad.

Darrell finished the conference on Thursday afternoon, so we headed back on Thursday so we could get home before any weekend traffic started up. It was fun hanging out with everyone and also seeing Grandad Ross (Great-Grandad to Edward) hang out and spend time with Edward. These are definitely the moments to treasure. 🙂

Ferry Ride/Trip to Sechelt:




Hanging out with Mary & Maurice:





At the conference/Downtown Vancouver:




West Vancouver with Grandad & Marie:






I love this child and all of his faces! 🙂









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