We decided in January to go ahead and do another IUI cycle and use our last vial of sperm. We had our fingers crossed, but having had 2 failed IUI’s and a failed IUI to IVF under our belt, we weren’t sure what to expect. We knew we were doing the same medical cycle that we normally do. We kept this cycle around quiet from everyone as we have never had a surprise for anyone, so we thought we would try. It was super hard when I was struggling with all the hormones and the waiting game, but we did it!
We had the IUI on January 23rd with 3 good size follicles, 2 small follicles and 15 million sperm. 2 weeks later, this is what we have:

Our first couple ultrasounds of the baby:

12-13 weeks along and we made the announcement to our immediate family:

Then comes the halfway point with the anatomy scan where we hear that everything is great with the baby.

And of course, then the announcement to everyone else that we are expecting a baby:

24 weeks comes shortly after and all of a sudden, I am measuring 5 weeks ahead.

Then 30 weeks, still measuring ahead, so back in for another ultrasound to make sure baby is still fine and not to much fluid. We are on the upper end of fluid, but still in the ok range.

35/35 day! 35 weeks down and 35 days to go!

Then we hit 40 weeks and my brain went nuts because they were not expecting the baby to be late, if anything, the doctors didn’t think he would even be an October baby. So, at 3 days late, we headed back to the MFM for another ultrasound and an NST to make sure everything was going great. Because of course my brain was flipping out on not wanting to loose another baby. Everything was fine. They were estimating baby to be almost 11 pounds and told me that they would have sent me straight to induction if I was delivering in the hospital. My midwife was a bit more lax and just kept telling me I would be able to do it no matter what. It was what I needed to keep some of my self-assurance there as I prep for delivery of what I know now is going to be a HUGE baby!

Then, we hit 41 weeks. I was huge and uncomfortable as we went in for what we hoped was our final midwife appointment. We spent most of the week trying everything we could to put me into labor. And it succeeded. I took this photo about an hour before we headed off to the midwife appointment and then I was in full labor 2 hours after the appointment. Basically, I had the baby less than 9 hours after I took this photo and I took the photo not feeling like that baby was coming any time soon. And the meme was the thoughts that I was having the whole time.

And that is the pregnancy in a nutshell. I was super happy to have him and breathe again! You can read the birth story here.