We found a place fairly quickly here in Seattle, but if wasn’t available for us to move in until April 15. We crashed at Lorna’s friends summer house and then with my Uncle Kenny while we waited for move-in. When we finally had everything set up, we ended up signing the lease in the morning and the truck and some movers arrived that afternoon. So by that evening, we had a bed set up so we could sleep and had started to unpack the kitchen. Our goal was to get a decent amount of the unpacking done before we drove back to Sandpoint to pick up the cats.
On the left is of our house and on the right is of a playground that we can see from our window. The pictures were taken from the same spot, just facing different directions:
After the truck was unloaded and we were beginning our unpacking:
We finally got the crib set up in Edward’s room. That was a big deal for us as we never got one for Pixel. Then while I was unpacking things in the bedroom, I was just tossing the empty boxes down the stairs forgetting I couldn’t bend down to pick them back up. So I had to text Darrell to come move them so I could get down the stairs. 🙂
We got a decent amount done, so on Saturday after our birthing class, we headed out to Sandpoint to pick up the cats.
This is a view over a lake about halfway between Seattle and Sandpoint.
When we got to Sandpoint, the cats were happy to see us and spent a lot of time near us wanting attention:
We also found out what they did most of the time while we were gone:
Everyone there commented on how big my belly has gotten since they saw me 3 weeks ago. So we took this set of photos: On the left is other people’s view of my belly. On the right is my view of my belly. It doesn’t look quite as big to me as it looks to others.
Then we said goodbye to Lorna and Grandma Natalie and headed back on the road.
The cats were a little bit more interested in what was going on, so they sat at the front of the carrier and tried to get out. They were fine for most of the ride, but we didn’t give them any food since they didn’t eat any during the move up from Texas, but we found out that Zedd was hungry and he started yowling. We gave him some treats (since that was all I could reach) and he was pretty happy after that.
They did really well once we got them home. They only yowled a little bit after we let them out of their carrier. They are slowly exploring the new house. Poleeko is a lot more interested than Zedd right now it seems. Poleeko wanders all around but keeps coming back to check to see where we are. Zedd, on the other hand, would much rather hang out under the bed until it gets dark and then he comes down and sits on his tree while Darrell and I watch a movie. Today is the first day where he has spent most of it out from under the bed and on a chair next to the window. They are adjusting just fine. 🙂
So that is about it for now. We are happy in our new house and we have a lot of the unpacking done. I will try to get more photos up once we are done unpacking. This is definitely the longest it has taken me to unpack since I moved to college. Usually I am done and pretty set within 5 days. Not being able to lift stuff is really slowing me down. 🙂