Category: Infertility

So Darrell and I finally decided to go ahead and try again next month. We are ready to continue on this journey of ours.

I know my cycle will start the friday before Labor Day weekend, so our CD3 ultrasound would end up being on that Sunday.

I called the clinic just to make sure things would be okay because the paperwork we have said that people would be there over weekends/holidays for patients.

Unfortunately, they are only there for people who are in the middle of a cycle who need the procedure done. Not an ultrasound. 🙁

So basically, if I start my period any time between 8/30-9-2, then we will not be able to cycle next month. So we would be benched for another month. If I start on 9/2, then there is a small chance that we could start because our CD3 would be on Tuesday, but very unlikely since we wouldn’t be able to call them until Tuesday morning.

We aren’t completely out yet, since there is a chance that they could switch us to a CD5 ultrasound, but I don’t know. The lady at the clinic basically said that we would not be able to cycle next month.

It is times like this where I hate that we have to depend on other people in order to get pregnant. It sucks that it is time sensitive, and if the timing doesn’t work, you are benched no matter how ready you are. Gah!!!

So now I am hoping I am late. I never thought I would want my cycle to be late knowing there was no pregnancy. If things go like clockwork, then we aren’t sure. We might have to wait awhile since there are other things going on. The only thing we know is that we have to at least try one more time before our move back to the west coast. Otherwise we will be spending a couple weeks here in Texas at some point.

Things just don’t seem to be easy for us right now. 🙁

Here’s hoping our luck turns around.

As many of you have probably figured out by the lack of posts, we did get good news just over two weeks ago. Darrell wanted to wait as there are a lot of problems that can happen in the first trimester. We have done a lot of talking about it, and since we have shared a lot of things, we are sharing this with you. There is still a chance of a miscarriage, so no guarantees that we will not be posting more bad news.

We were going to wait until after the heartbeat to let you know, but as our appointment is at 3 on Thursday and then we are flying out to CA, we will not have a chance to update this. As of right now, all we know is that we have at least one bun in the oven. There is a small chance of twins with the HCG numbers we have been getting. We shall see on Thursday!

We are not posting on Facebook, so please don’t mention it on there. We are going to wait until after the first trimester. We also haven’t told some of our family, so we would appreciate a little bit more silence on the matter.

There won’t be posts for a few weeks probably as we are going to be in California with family until just after the first of the year, so hoping that everyone has a great Holiday Season!

As we come up upon the end of the year, I am reminded of what we were doing a year ago. One year ago, we were getting ready to go through some tests to determine why we weren’t pregnant yet. It was those tests that changed our lives.

Infertility is a big part of who we are, but we have learned (however long it took us to learn it) that it doesn’t define who we are. Getting diagnosed as infertile made us feel like we were all alone. We didn’t tell everyone. We were struggling to deal with it on our own. Then we came to realize that it is a huge community out there who are infertile.

There are many things in this society that we don’t talk about and sex is one of them. It makes people feel uncomfortable, so they don’t talk about it. Once a couple is diagnosed as infertile, they usually keep to themselves because they consider it a personal problem and that they are a failure. I don’t see why infertility has to be kept quiet. We talk about boobs all the time. There is even a whole month dedicated to boobs. Why is there only a week dedicated to Infertility? Why is there not tons of pamphlets about infertility at every doctors office?

We decided to share our story to help spread the word about infertility. It took us 3 months to handle it on our own and share it, but we did. The amusing part to me is that once we shared that we were infertile, there were quite a few friends of ours who privately messaged us and said that they went through the same thing. Some of these friends had babies already or were preparing for the arrival of their little one. It made us feel not alone.

We have reached a point in this journey that we take things in stride. A few couples will not survive the infertility journey. It adds a lot of stress to a marriage. We are thankful that we were strong and comfortable in our marriage that this journey only caused a small bump. We are able to laugh at jokes about it and it is true laughter, not laughter through tears.

There will always be a spot that occasionally aches for what we have lost, but in the long run, it has made us stronger. We see all of the happy endings and are reminded that there are just as many sad ones. I don’t think we will ever feel just comfortable “going along for the ride.”

My hope is that someday people will feel more open to talk about their infertility and their doctors will have the options and give them all the options available to them. Our doctor didn’t. We had to find out the information on our own and then go ask him for a referral. Once we can talk openly about infertility, then the better educated our society will be and they won’t all just think of Octomom or Jon & Kate plus 8. Hopefully the insurance companies will start to cover some procedures and the prices of procedures will drop.

I understand that not everyone has a happy ending, and some wait for over 15 years for their happy ending. We are still waiting for ours, but the knowledge that many do get their happy endings gives us hope.

I know that this blog has been taken over by consistent infertility stuff. It won’t always be that way. It is just something that is a huge part of our life right now. Someday it will be a history instead of a present. I promise.

I got this off of some blog that I came across while wandering around Google. Thought it would be interesting.

Note: TTC means Trying to Concieve

A. Age when you started TTC: 24

B. Baby Dancing or Sex: Both, but neither does us very much good. :/

C. Children wanted: We want 4. Whether they come to us via pregnancy or adoption.

D. Dogs/Cats/Fill in Children: 2 cats. Zeddicus & Poleeko.

E.  Essential Oils/Vitamins/Snake Oils: Prenatal vitamins and Vitamin C.

F. Fertility Meds I’ve taken: Clomid (100 mg/day), Estradiol (4 mg/day), Ovidrel, Prometrium, Menopur (75-150 iu/day)

G. Gain: Have gone up and down. I have actually lost a total of 15 pounds since I started fertility treatments.

H. HSG (Hystosalpingogram):  Did in July 2011

I.  Infertile Pet Peeves: There are a few. Usually when I get irritated, I call my best friend or mom and complain and then I feel better. I learned that I need to realize that for some it will just be easier.

J. Job title: School Bus Driver.

K. Kid’s names you’re afraid will be taken by the time you can use them: We haven’t really decided on any. Our thought is that if we like it, we will use it no matter what. 🙂

L. Length of time TTC: 27 months and counting

M.  Miscarriages: None.

N. Number of times you’ve switched OB/GYNS, REs, FSs: Have had 1 OB, 1 RE and 2 Urologists since TTC. Will be switching OB/GYN soon as I am not happy with the office staff of my current OB/GYN.

O. Ovarian quality: As far as we know, it is great!

P. POAS or wait for AF: I like to wait for AF’s time. I like to give her a week before I POAS. With the IUI, I waited until the Blood test and didn’t POAS.

Q. Quote from an obnoxious fertile: There were a couple obnoxious quotes, but I was in a very bad spot when they were said. Looking back, they were said out of Love and we know we are loved by everyone – fertile or not. 🙂

S. Sperm: Azoospermia. 🙁 Therefore we are using donor.

T. Time you tried naturally: 16 Months. We haven’t been trying naturally due to the diagnosis.

U. Uterus quality: Doc says it is great!

V. Vagina: Working just fine thank you. 🙂

W. What baby stuff do you already have?: We haven’t really wanted to buy anything as it would just be a constant reminder of what we don’t have. We do have some of Darrell’s toys from when he was younger. We went somewhere and found some natural teethers, so we have those, but they are in a bag on the upper shelf of a closet we hardly get into.

X.  X-tra X-tra Hear all about it! How many people know the ins and outs of our crazy TTC journey? Most people know that we have to go through treatment. I don’t always get on the phone and call people though. I keep our blog updated and if people want to know what is going on, they check out the blog.

Y. Yearly Exam (do you still go in even though someone sees your lady parts most months?): I plan on doing it, but I just started this whole infertility treatment the month after my yearly checkup, so it hasn’t come back around yet.

Z.  Zits: Same as always. A medium breakout around AF.

Sick :(

I have been exhausted since about Wednesday. I have been sleeping badly, waking up every few hours and having some bizarre dreams. Good thing I haven’t been at work since Tuesday (Yeah for working for a school district!).

I haven’t really been feeling sick. Just nauseous whether I eat or don’t eat, but I can eat just fine.

Today, however, I wasn’t able to eat 🙁 I tried to eat breakfast, but felt it was all going to come back up, so I stopped after half a bowl. Here’s hoping it either goes away fast, or that there is a small parasite as the reason behind all this crap.

Still have 5 days to go.

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