Category: Infertility

Today was our 3rd and final ultrasound this cycle. We are ready to trigger and will be doing our Ovidril shot tonight at 10pm. Then we proceed to go in on Tuesday morning for our IUI. I’m hoping for good sperm count as we have some good follicle numbers.

So our follicle numbers today were: 3 on the left at 19, 16, 16. And another 2 on the right at 15, 13.

This means that the left ovary did most of the work this time around as the right follicles didn’t grow any from the last ultrasound, but the left follicles jumped a whole bunch.

These numbers are a little bit off of the last cycle where we triggered with 20, 18, 18, and 12. But we do have an extra follicle in there this time.

So here we go… Prepped for another 2 weeks of straight up waiting. I’m starting to get a little better at that. 🙂

It’s even better since Grey’s Anatomy Season 8 just popped up on Netflix, so I will have something to do for at least a portion of the time.

So follicle check was today. It is day 9 of my cycle and I have finished my clomid and have been on Menopur for 4 days.

Last cycle (when we got pregnant with Pixel and Bit), I had 4 measured follicles: 14, 14, 13, 12.

This time, once again, I had 4 measured follicles: 15, 13, 11, 10.

The Doctor said that everything is looking about right on track like last time. I am excited. We are going to do Menopur for another 2 nights and then take a night off before going in for an ultrasound on Sunday. That should be the last ultrasound and we should be doing the IUI on Tuesday. (assuming everything goes like it should).

*grow follies grow* 🙂

So with every cycle, I get to take lots of medications. I personally do not like needles. I wasn’t to thrilled when we had moved from pills to injectables. But whatever we have to do to have a baby right? This is our third cycle with injectables, and I have realized that I have gotten better at handling the needles. Not to the point where I could do them myself, but I don’t jump quite as much as normal.

So here is what my nights have consisted of:



Clomid – two pills every night. Today is the last night of these suckers. 🙂








Then we got our big package in the mail of all of the expensive drugs and the needles that go with it.








We start out our night by pulling out what we need for the dose – last night was a double dose night. We are alternating between one dose and two doses nightly.












We take the big long needle off of the syringe and then we put the Q-cap on so we can properly mix the medications









We take the caps off of the vials and then pull 1cc of saline solution into the syringe.We put the saline solution into the vial of powder and swirl it around to dissolve before pulling it back into the syringe.










We then repeat and put the saline/med solution into the second vial of powder and swirl it before pulling it back into the syringe. (If we only have one dose, we don’t have to do this step)









After we are done mixing the medication, we remove the Q-cap and put on the little bitty needle.


Then after cleaning a spot on the belly, we go on the count of 3:








Insert needle and plunge that medication in.



After we finish, we cap the needle, use our (almost full) sharps container to dispose of the needles. Clean up the counter and then wait for the next day.





All in all, this usually takes us about 5 minutes from the time we start pulling out the stuff to the time we are done and mark on the paperwork which side we used and that we did it. We learned the hard way on my first injectable cycle to rotate the shots every night otherwise it really hurts. :/

We also mark which nights are which so that we don’t screw up the doses.

So that is what we have been up to. Looks like fun huh? 🙂

Today was our baseline appointment. Everything looks great and we are set to go. I start clomid tonight and then Menopur on Sunday. I’m pumped!!!

I do wish however, that I would have made sure that the three receptionists I talked to this summer, put a note in my file about Pixel. The first question the Dr. had for me was “You are back soon. How’s the baby?” What a gut punch.

But I love my clinic!! Once I told her that we lost Pixel exactly 3 months ago (while being a blathering fool), she asked questions about him and extended her condolences. Then the nurse did the same as the doctor (I wasn’t blathering quite as much). It means a lot to me that they care and like to try to keep up.

We are doing the same protocol as last time. There was a little mix-up for a minute, but was fixed quickly. They filled out the prescription for Follistim instead of Menopur. And Follistim does not work for me. Last time I took it, I stimmed for three weeks and then they had to cancel the cycle.

So now I have my fingers crossed that everything works like a charm just like last time. I have my next ultrasound on Thursday.

The universe has smiled on us. A few weeks ago, we found out that because of my regular cycle, we were not going to be able to do an IUI in September because my cycle lined up with labor day weekend.

Well…. luck was with us. My cycle started two days before it was suppose to.

Which means….


So our final IUI cycle in Texas begins in less than 24 hours. I am driving to Ft. Worth in the morning for our baseline scan and getting our medication list for the month. I am really excited. Darrell is nervous about it though.

This month will be hard. We didn’t expect to be having to go back to the clinic for another year. Darrell is nervous about the emotions we will have going through the IUI and (hopefully) a pregnancy after it. I understand his trepidation about going through all of the stress and emotions that are involved in fertility treatments.

So tomorrow, I have a three hour drive to the clinic. The appointment is at 11:30. It will be a little rough since tomorrow will be exactly 3 months after losing Pixel. I am hoping for a good baseline and then am hoping that the meds work their charm like last time.

We are still waiting for a call from the hospital on whether they have found the photos. The night nurse who took the photos is suppose to work tonight, so hopefully I will get a call tomorrow. If I don’t hear from them before I get back from the clinic, I will call the head nurse and see what’s up.

**Fingers Crossed**


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