Category: Infertility


Tomorrow is testing day. I am glad the two-week wait is over. This weekend definitely allowed us to not completely think about treatments. With the exception of friends asking us questions about it because they don’t understand. I am glad that we can inform others.

Ahhh… in 14 hours I get my blood drawn and then it is another wait until Amy, our nurse, calls with the results.

*Fingers Crossed*

We have less than a week until we test. I have been trying not to read to much into symptoms because the Prometrium supplement gives the same symptoms as early pregnancy. I am tired all the time. I have been taking naps during the day, going to bed early and waking up late. I have had other symptoms, but like I said, I can’t attribute it to anything other than supplement right now.

I got a phone call from the hospital yesterday and they have Pixel’s pictures. They have put them in the mail, so hopefully I will have them by this weekend or early next week. I am really excited about that! It is a bittersweet excitement because I know this is the last thing I have been looking forward to getting of Pixels. After this, there is nothing else of his we will ever receive. *sigh*

We have two more days until we head down to Austin for the weekend. I am really excited about that. We have a hotel near downtown, so we are going to probably spend some time wandering 6th street and other downtown areas we didn’t get to see last year. We have three other friends going, so we should definitely have a blast!

Today is 3 days past. We still have 11 more to go.

The massive cramping that I got right after the IUI has gone away. It lasted for about 36 hours where all I wanted to do was lay around and watch movies. (which I did :P)

The weather outside has dropped from mid to upper 90’s to low 70’s and it has been raining for the last two days, so that has also fueled my desire to just lay around and watch movies. I love the rain and am glad that we are finally starting to get our fall. We are still a few inches shy of normal for the year, but every little bit helps.

Due to this rapid temperature drop, I feel sick. This is not helping my mood any. I am trying not to get sick, so I have started to take the vitamins the midwife recommended during the pregnancy in May when I got sick.

And to top all of this off, something happened to my right eyelid. I don’t know if I got bit or if I am having an allergic reaction to something. It has been a little sore since yesterday, but only when I rubbed my eyes. Today, it hurts when I blink and it is starting to swell up. I have no idea what could cause this. I am so not enjoying it right now.

Darrell has quite a few plans in place for tomorrow, so I will be on my own during much of the day. He is going to go play tennis with a friend, then he is going to hang out and play video games with another friend before we both go over to yet another friends house for a dinner party/hangout. Whew.

Next week we are prepping for a long weekend. We decided to go ahead and head down to Austin for another Bat Cruise. We decided this time to head down on Friday and hang out in Austin for the whole weekend instead of just for 24 hours. I think it will be fun. It definitely will give me something to do to keep my mind off this countdown temporarily.

That’s about it going on around here.

Today is exactly 3 years from the day we started trying to conceive. We spent the first 6 months not trying, but not preventing since we knew it would take some time for my body to reregulate after 5 years on birth control.

Then we started actively trying, found out about infertility, had a negative IUI cycle, had a canceled IUI cycle, finally got pregnant with our third IUI cycle. Then had a miscarriage at 7 weeks, had a stillbirth at 29.5 weeks, and are back again in our treatments with IUI #4.

It has been a long road and one a lot longer than we expected.

Here’s hoping it doesn’t take another 3 years before we get a happy ending.

IUI #4

So we did our final drive to Fort Worth today for our last treatment for a long time. Our numbers are good and we now sit back and keep our FX’d (fingers crossed).

So this cycle, we had at least 3 mature follicles, maybe 4, and a small chance of up to 5 follicles. – I say this because our numbers on Sunday were 19, 16, 16, 15, and 13. Once we give the ovidril shot, follicles can grow by 2 mm before they actually ovulate. So we could have ended up with a 21, 18, 18, 17, and 15. For an injectable cycle, anything larger than a 16 can be considered mature, but 1 out of four follicles don’t typically have eggs. I only put this here so we don’t get people freaking out about how many follicles we have and how big of a chance we have at multiples. The doctor said that she actually isn’t to worried about the follicles on the right (the two smaller ones) since they are so small.

Our sperm count was 25 million with awesome motility (not sure of that number, but doc seemed to think it was great for a frozen sample).

The procedure went fairly flawless. The speculum hurt a little more than usual, but it wasn’t too bad. I didn’t feel the catheter at all (which means I am definitely ovulating). I have been having cramps and have been very uncomfortable since the procedure, but that is what happened last time when it worked, so at least I know my body is doing something. (I didn’t get crampy or uncomfortable after IUI #1 which was a BFN, so it makes me a little hopeful :p).

So, now we wait… and wait… and wait… (I hate this part, but I know that this is a short wait compared to the wait and anxiety we will have once we are pregnant).

And so you don’t have to go back to look at what our last cycles numbers were:

IUI #3: 3 follicles (20, 18, 18); 41 million sperm.

IUI #4: 4 follicles (19, 16, 16, 15); 25 million sperm.

So keep your FX’d for us. We shall see how things go in two weeks. We have a couple things planned, so hopefully it won’t be to much torture. 🙂

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