Category: Home

May 2018

We got Edward a crystal growing kit at the Vancouver Aquarium last August. We misplaced it for a bit and just found it in April. Edward had a blast getting it ready and even though it took a bit for the crystal to grow and he wasn’t a big fan of waiting, he loved seeing the crystal afterwards.

Late April through late June we usually have a bunch of friends’ birthday parties. This May was no different. We had a birthday party every weekend this month. The boys really loved all the activity and especially all the cake and friends.

We also went out to Paine Field for Aviation Day. We missed the first half of the day because we had a birthday party in the morning. We thought there was plenty of time, but by the time we got there, even though there was about 3 hours left, a lot of things were being packed up already. We aren’t sure whether there will be another one next year as Paine Field is opening up for commercial flights. We had fun anyways. Morgan got to run around and Edward and Grammy got to climb up into an airplane and look around.

Other photos from the month of May:

April 2018

We did a lot of big things last month, but in between, there is always the little stuff..

On Friday April 27, Edward had an accident and what should have been a small thing ended up needing stitches. We rushed him to the ER and they sent us down to Seattle Childrens. Edward liked the hours we got to sit in the ER waiting for the doctors to decide what we were going to do because they gave him the TV remote and full control over it. While we waited for the specialist to show up, he and Daddy got to watch the entire new Power Rangers movie and a couple other little shows. After the specialist showed up, they decided that he was going to need stitches, but they would need to do anesthesia which required use of the OR. So, Edward was checked into his own room and moved upstairs for the first surgery the next day. He was definitely groggy throughout the whole ordeal. It took a bit to wake him up in the morning (the boy sleeps like a log and didn’t even wake up while they were checking vitals, or moving him from his room to Pre-op. They took him into surgery and Darrell and I grabbed some breakfast while we waited. After about 45 minutes, the doctor came out and said everything looked good and went over what we were going to need to do for the next few weeks. Another half hour later, we were allowed to go back into Post-op to actually see him. He was still super tired, so they couldn’t get him to wake up (like a log I tell ya!). We tried a few different things, but what worked was asking him if he wanted to play Magic with Daddy. That popped his little eyes right open. They gave him a popsicle and we got to head back to the room. After he ate a little bit and moved around, they let us come home. It was a super long 45 hours, but made me soooo grateful that we live near one of the best children’s hospitals in the nation. He is doing really good now and we are just waiting for the rest of the stitches to dissolve. He got 10-12 stitches and only 2 of them have dissolved so far. Could still be another month or so, but he has had his follow-up and been released back to full activity.

Easter 2018

For Easter this year, we had originally planned on having a few people over for dinner et al, but of course, the boys came down with a cold the day before, so we ended up canceling. Darrell’s mom joined us and one of Darrell’s coworkers came over. They usually play Magic on Sunday’s, so it just fit in. The night before, we went ahead and colored our easter eggs. Morgan really loved it. He kept trying to get the eggs and throw them into the cups or crack them on the table. A lot of the time was spent with Darrell and I wrangling him away from breaking everything. Edward of course loved coloring the eggs and kept talking about all the different things he wanted to do.

Then day of we hung out, and the kids got their Easter baskets. They got some fun summer stuff to enjoy this year. Later, the big kids played Magic, we did an egg hunt, and I made dinner and a cake.

December is usually a really busy month for us. This year was a bit more low key as we spent a lot of it sick. The first week and a half was us stuck with Hand Foot Mouth Disease and not able to do anything. Then we spent the next week and a half trying to do a bunch of different holiday events but not over exerting ourselves. We did however, decorate the house a bit and did a couple crafts at home. Edward even wrote out his own wish list this year! And of course, we went and did our annual Santa photo.

We did Swansons nursery. We were suppose to go with friends, but things came up and they couldn’t make it. We still had fun and I got some good shots of the boys.

We also took some friends down to Bellevue and watched Snowflake Lane. It was a lot of fun because we were able to play in the play area a bit before the show and Daddy was able to walk over after work and meet up with us. The kids loved all the excitement and were just awestruck the whole show.

Grammy came into town just before Christmas and we had our annual Polar Express Night. We only had a few friends over as I wasn’t fully up to having a bunch of people over and getting a big party planned. I think it went great though! The next day, we decorated the gingerbread houses that we had been making. Darrell was super proud of the fact he made them all from scratch by himself. Well… with the help of the boys.

Since we were sick through most of Christmas, we went and did our downtown holiday events on New Years Eve. We took the link down and we wandered through the gingerbread village, played on some playgrounds, and then took the monorail to Seattle Center and did some ice skating and looking at the train setup they have there. It was a nice day and we love going to see all the flashiness downtown occasionally. Edward wasn’t super confident on the ice skates and it was really busy this time, so he didn’t do much skating. Oh well!

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