We had a crazy busy October. At the beginning of the month, we took the boys to go see the Cirque Du Soleil show Volta. We weren’t completely sure how the boys would do at the show, but we figured the only way to find out was to go. It was an awesome time. The boys had a lot of fun and enjoyed the show. They were on the edge of their seats the whole time watching. 

Edward also started Kindergarten at the Montessori school We had been struggling with getting him to focus on writing last year, so his teachers pulled out some new material for him this year. We were excited when he brought home a story that he wrote. 

The ducks got some more outside time and really enjoyed that. Darrell also fixed up some more of their pen so he could clean it out. 

We did the annual Trick or Treating at Concur and then Darrell took the boys around the neighborhood for Halloween. Morgan likes to help bring the trashcan back up to the house after it is picked up. It is just his size. 

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