Prior to Jenni’s wedding at the end of March, the boys were in desperate need of a haircut. Edward waffled back and forth on whether he wanted to go really short again or if he just wanted a trim so he could grow his hair out long. He ended up going short again.

Morgan’s hair was all in his face and we had been putting it off for a long time as we didn’t want to trim his curls. But after weeks of trying to find ways to keep his hair out of his face and his boogers, we went ahead and got him his first haircut. The same barber who did Edward’s first cut did Morgan’s first cut. 🙂 He wasn’t super sure of it, but a lollipop and sitting on Daddy’s lap while getting his hair trimmed made it better for him. He looked like a brand new kid and it took us a few days to get use to the new haircut.

We spent awhile at the barber shop, so the boys found the table with checkers and they played there for awhile. Darrell decided that he wanted a trim too, so we got all the boys all trimmed up and looking good for the wedding. 🙂

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