Edward made a few ornaments in school for Christmas this year. Unfortunately, he ate half of one before I could get a picture!
We had a white Christmas this year!! Lorna was able to spend Christmas with us, and Edward loved having Grammy there. We got our usual Christmas eve box of jammies and Grammy even got some. The boys had a great Christmas. We opened stockings before breakfast and then opened gifts after breakfast. Edward and Darrell wanted to rush through opening gifts so they could go outside and play. And they did. We finished opening gifts and everyone got ready to play in the snow and they spent the rest of the day outside playing in the snow. I’m glad we got a lot of gifts for them to play with when it isn’t so fun to play outside. Hah! While they were outside, I was making dinner and Lorna made some Lamb to go with it. Overall it was a great day and we got to spend lots of time as a family and doing family things. Those are the days Darrell and I love.
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