We had a super busy October and November. Most of October was just chilling around the house while we waited for Morgan to arrive. We were certain he would come early, but he didn’t. Sharyn’s mom came up and stayed with us for the month, so we got to do lots of things with her. And Papa stopped by occasionally too, so Edward got some last minute personal grandparent time in. We went to the Air museum at Paine Field for their Monster Bash halloween event. Edward, Daddy, and Papa all rode on the big Monster Jeep and had a blast even though it was pouring rain and the wind was whipping it all around. He seemed to have fun though.
Then after Morgan, was Halloween. We headed down into our old neighborhood for a trick-or-treat around Licton Springs and then headed down to a friends house for the regular trick-or-treat door to door with friends. Edward loved every minute of it. I asked him later if he like Halloween, and his reply was “I don’t like Halloween, but I love candy!”
Between October and November, we had all the grandparents visit. Grandma & Papa visited in October and early November. A few days after they left, Grandad and Grandma Peggy came for a visit, and then two weeks later, Grammy came for a visit. We were super busy and It was nice getting to see everyone in a short period of time.
Of course, we also had Thanksgiving and spent it with Grammy while she was visiting. Edward loves all the food we make.