We weren’t sure how Edward would handle Halloween. We tried to see if he would wear a costume and we had pretty much no luck with it at all. We finally got him to wear some of his normal clothes and called him “Daddy”. We decided to go ahead and head down to our old neighborhood. The park across the street always does a Halloween in the park where they have about 10 stations around the small path in the park for the kids to “trick-or-treat” around and then they have the playground and at the playground, they serve hot apple cider for everyone. It is a cute and fun event. We took Edward when he was almost 5 months old, but we didn’t dress him up or anything. At first, he wasn’t so sure and held tightly to Daddy’s hand. By the end though, he was happy to go up and take some candy on his own (even though he immediately ran right back to Daddy).





After we played at the park, we headed home. Our plans were to maybe hand out some candy but we don’t normally get that many trick-or-treaters. So, I stayed home to hand out candy and Darrell and Edward went out in the neighborhood. Darrell said that there were a lot more people doing it this year and Edward came home with a full bucket. He was super excited and jazzed! When I took him upstairs to get ready for bed, I asked him “So, do you like Halloween now?”. His response? “No, but I like candy!” Gotta love that boy!

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