When we first moved into this house, we had talked to the landlord about putting in a fence. Over time, we still talked, but didn’t really push to do much. We finally got the information together, passed it along to our landlord who amazingly funded it for us and then we got moving. Our quote was that it would take about 3 days to do all the work, but once the contractor (our neighbor) arrived to dig the post holes, it went faster than thought. It ended up only taking a single day and it looks fabulous! There are still a few more steps we need to do (i.e.: paint the fence and put toppers on the posts).

Darrell ended up making 4 trips to home depot to get all the supplies and one final trip to return the extra’s we didn’t end up needing.

So, we started by getting all the base material on Friday night. The kids were interested in what was going on:



Then first thing on Saturday, they got to work digging holes and putting the posts up:



Next up was the framing:


Then placing the fencing so it’s a quick up:


Fencing going up:




Building the gates:



Trimming it up:


Finished Result:


It looks great and we love being able to let Edward run around out there without having to worry about him going off the ledge or anything. We still have to clean up in the grass to make sure that there aren’t random blackberry thorns or anything else out there but we use the backyard so much more now!

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