For Edward’s First birthday, I decided to go with an “Up” themed party. I chose the theme for a few reasons: 1) what kid doesn’t like balloons? 2) We have felt the anguish Carl & Ellie felt 3) We did a whole lot of traveling during Edward’s first year.
I worked hard and got the invitations all put together. I used Edward’s fingerprints for the balloons and then the maps inside were maps of each place we went to over the year.
We got some family photos in a few days before the party
Lorna had come out the Friday before his party, so I had a lot of help while I finished up decorations and got the cakes ready.
Cake Table:
Edward & his smash cake:
Birthday Boy and gift from Aunt Kendra & Uncle Lee
We had so much fun. Not sure if I will be able to keep it up for all of his birthdays, but this one was special. 🙂