So as many of you heard, we moved again. This time, we signed a two year lease, so we will be here for a little bit. Plus we really like the house, so we might end up staying longer. It is a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath with two living rooms, a 2-car garage, a small backyard, on a cul-de-sac and we have some really awesome neighbors. If you don’t have the new address and would like it, send us a message. 🙂



See that, that is our guest bedroom. Yes, we have a spare room and we bought some twin beds, so anyone is welcome to come on by and spend a week or so with us. Plus, I think they are the comfiest beds in the house. Any takers???

Oh.. and on top of all the good stuff about the house, we have a little park/playground area with two play structures that is even closer than the park at the last house (if you can believe that). Plus, it is between houses and a greenbelt, so there are no streets. When Edward is bigger, he can run around and we don’t have to worry about him running into the street. We will, however, need to worry about him running through the blackberries on the edge of the trees.




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