When Darrell headed to Chicago for the IEEE T&D conference, Edward and I needed to do stuff to keep us busy. Well.. I needed us to do stuff so that Edward was tired and wasn’t such a crank since Darrell was gone from early Monday morning until late Thursday night.
On Monday, my aunt had a civil wedding at the Everett Courthouse and needed a witness, so we went up to witness their marriage. Then we went out to lunch with them.
Tuesday turned out to be a beautiful day as well, so Edward and I went and ate our lunch at Richmond Beach Park. It was a pretty cute little beach.
Wednesday and Thursday were both rainy, so we were stuck inside. I made some pasta and dyed it a couple different colors and let Edward play in it for a little bit. He seemed to enjoy it.
Then Thursday night is when Darrell came home. His plane was suppose to land around midnight, so I put Edward to bed and figured I would wake him up when it was time to get in the car. He had other plans though. He decided to take an hour ‘nap’ and then stay awake with Mommy while waiting to go get Daddy. It made for a long night, but worth it when I saw his face light up when Darrell got in the car.
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