Playtime: Playtime is now whatever Mommy and Daddy are doing. He loves to pull apart his mat and leave a trail of toys all over the living area. He also LOVES to climb the stairs. Especially when there is a cat up top. He gets a little squeal as he starts climbing.
Sleep: Going to bed has been relatively easy. We have a bedtime routine where we finish dinner, run his bath, let him play, then put him to sleep. He even pulls the plug on the bath when he is ready to get out, so he sets his bedtime. He has pushed his bedtime back to around 8pm, but that is ok. Sometimes he goes down a little earlier and sometimes later. During the day, he has begun to follow the 2-3-4 schedule where he is up for 2 hours, nap, up for 3 hours, nap, up for 4 hours, then bed. Some days he only does one nap though. His morning nap is my only reliable nap. Afternoon is really a crapshoot. For about two weeks towards the beginning of the month, he dropped down to only one nap a day. Those days were rough because he would get really fussy, but refuse to sleep. He still occasionally prefers only one nap, but he doesn’t get too fussy when he only does one.
Food: Eating anything and everything we give him. Still prefers to feed himself so very few purees now. He is also starting to want the silverware. Doesn’t quite understand it, but always wants to hold it and puts the handle in his mouth. He will get there though. 🙂
Teething: At the end of March, he finally broke through a top tooth. His upper left one came in. The upper right looks like it will join it soon though. The nights when the teeth come in are horrible. He wakes up multiple times and it takes us an hour or more to get him to sleep and then he only sleeps for an hour before we do it again.
Clothes: Still has a few 9-month outfits that fit so we are using mainly those. He doesn’t really fit in the 9-month pants though, so those are usually 12-month. PJ wise, we put him in 12-18 month outfits since they aren’t tight on him.
Movement: Crawler Extraordinaire! He is all over the place. He pulls himself up on things, cruises around, gets down, and then crawls somewhere else. Darrell and I are pretty sure he will start walking in the next 2 months. We will see though. He can walk while we are only holding one of his hands, but prefers to hold onto both. So very close.