Darrell had a conference in Washington DC so we all went with him and saw the sights while he was busy. Luckily for me, my cousin lives nearby, so her and her little girl came into downtown and we hung out together for the week. It was a lot of fun.
Wednesday, we walked the National Mall and saw some of the Monuments.
Thursday, we went to the National Zoo and wandered around there for the day.
Just look at those little teeth!
Friday, we just hung out in the Hotel room. We were going to go swimming, but it didn’t pan out. Saturday, Darrell and I went to the Air & Space Museum and then met up with Joni & Chris for dinner. We had Hard Rock Cafe for lunch before the museum and Edward LOVED their twisted Mac & Cheese. Hopefully he keeps up with this love of almost all foods. (He still turns away from some foods if they aren’t what he wants. IE: We are trying to give him a pouch of food and he wants pieces of ours, or we are trying to spoon feed him and he wants to eat on his own.)
Darrell ended up taking a week off after the conference and we went up to Connecticut to visit with a bunch of Darrell’s family. Later in the week, we headed down to NYC and hung out for about 36 hours there. It was really cold, so we didn’t wander around too much, but we did go up the Empire State Building.
Edward enjoyed his plane rides and trip through the airport. We bought a little strap that allowed us to attach his carseat to a rolling carry-on and then we just wheeled him around the airport. He loved it and we really enjoyed having somewhere to put him down when we needed to. The plane rides he loved sitting and staring out the window. On our way back, he just wanted to stare out the window when we were landing and after parking at the gate. We had to practically tear him away from the window just to get off. We were the last ones off the plane because he was so entranced with what was going on outside.
We enjoyed our whole trip and were really glad that we did the trip. Some day we will go back and visit again. Hopefully it won’t be so cold, so we will be able to get out and see more of the sights.