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9-month stats: Height – 30″ (>98%) Weight – 21#8oz (80%) Head Circumference – 47.5cm (98%)

Playtime: Playtime is all over the place! All he wants to do is move and play with different things. While on our trip to the East Coast, he learned that it is pretty cool to play drums on kitchen items. So now he is constantly pounding on things. He is still in love with his wooden Train and is always looking for his two favorite pieces from it.

Sleep: Bedtime is definitely better. He goes down pretty easy most of the time (there are still the rough nights and those are getting worse). When we are home and he is in his own crib, he will sleep about 12 hours straight. When we are traveling and he is sharing a bed with just me, he only sleeps about 8 hours straight. When he is sharing a bed with both me and Darrell, he will be up every 3-4 hours all night long. Luckily, he transitions back to the full 12 hours when we get him back in his crib. Getting him in his crib is rough after a vacation, but it doesn’t take to long. Naps are all over the place. His morning nap is great – two hours after he gets up, he quietly and calmly goes down for a 90 minute nap. Afternoon nap – not so much. Sometimes he goes down 2 hours after his last one, sometimes 3 hours, sometimes 4 hours. It is another 90 minute nap, but it is just all over the place as to when he goes down. It doesn’t make him any grumpier (except when I try to put him down and he doesn’t want it) so I am trying to just roll with it. He has dropped the third daytime nap. The best part of his naps is he is ok with taking them pretty much anywhere so I am not constricted to the house when naptime rolls around. He does sleep longer at home, but he will still nap while out and about.

Food: Edward is starting to show his pickiness. He will only eat fruit purees but prefers to have just cut up food. He has dismissed many pouches of food if we give them to him when we are all eating. He wants what we have, so it makes meal times a little more difficult for me since I have to make sure to make something he can have. He also eats almost non-stop. Very rarely have we seen him actually stop eating. We have given him two pouches, 1/3 of a rice cake and many cheerios and he still wants more even after nursing a full meal. He is definitely a snacker.

Teething: The bottom two teeth are now very visible every time he smiles. He is starting to run a small fever again today, so there is a chance that a few more are going to make their appearance in the next few days.

Clothes: We still put him in most of the same clothes as we were last month. We noticed that the 9-month clothes have definitely gotten their use since he has been in them since he was 5 months old. We are also putting him in some of the clothes from 12-24 months. The brands are all different, but he is slowly working his way into all of the 12-month clothes. The 18-month pants are only a little bit long for him, so we have to roll them every now and then, and he only fits into the Gerber 24-month onesies, but we just rotate through the clothes we have.

Movement: Crawling! He finally figured it out on Feb 22. I put him on the floor and was sitting at a desk at the hotel room and he crawled over and up my leg. The first few days were a little slow, but he is getting the hang of it. He also figured out how to climb up stairs while we were holding his hands thanks to his Aunt Ann. Then because he is so dang smart, a few days later, he figured out how to crawl up them on his own. We now have baby gates in use at our house. 🙂 He is also pulling himself up to standing a lot and has figured out how to cruise across furniture. Hasn’t yet figured out how to take a corner, but will probably figure that out soon.

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