Week 38

How far along: 38 weeks

Baby’s size: Leek – Your baby, now as long as a leek, weighs nearly 7 pounds. (Length: more than 19.5 inches, head to heel)

Sleep: Most of the week I was up every 90 minutes either for the bathroom or just a hip pain. Last night however.. I slept in 4 hour chunks and only had to get up once for the bathroom. Yay! I think it was helpful that I laid the two body pillows down and slept on them and also added some other extra pillows. Downside was it made it hard to get up in the middle of the night.

Maternity Clothes: Yup. Still getting rid of shirts as they slowly stop covering my belly. At home I just relax around in whatever is comfortable, but when I go to an appointment, I like having the top and bottom since they measure belly etc. Seems to be the same outfit every week for that.

Food Cravings: I have been craving a Dr. Pepper. I don’t want to buy a big one as I only want one glass with a meal, but everytime we have gone out to eat since I started having this craving, they don’t have Dr. Pepper. It so isn’t fair. 🙁 Oh well.. I have been eating a lot of chocolate chip cookies and getting my cookie dough fix in. 🙂

Food Aversions: Still spicy. I am most likely going to suck it up and see if I can get some spicy into my meals to help bring on labor if needed (worth a shot even if it doesn’t work, but we won’t begin that probably until late next week)

Symptoms I have: Everything under the sun. 🙂 Just kidding. Occasionally I get heartburn, but some papaya enzymes have been a charm with that. My hips are so out of whack it isn’t funny. It hurts to waddle around and go up and down. We bought an exercise ball and that has been a lifesaver! It totally helps realign my hips and I feel so much better after a couple minutes on the ball versus the couch. The downside is I start to get tired and doze, so I have to move to the couch so I don’t fall asleep on the ball. Every walk we go on I get contractions and it is really uncomfortable to do walks. Makes me a little sad, but happy at the same time since we are so close. I am constantly nauseous no matter what I do. (Even the Sea-Bands aren’t helping).

Doctor’s Appointment: Tomorrow afternoon. I am hoping it is our last one until baby is here, but who knows. Maybe the full moon this weekend will jump start labor. 🙂

Movement: Everywhere! This little one is all over the place. He only really gets going late at night and rarely during the day. Most days they are such soft movements that I miss them. Then I start stressing out and he gives me a good thump. So I try to not worry unless I haven’t gotten his dance party by bedtime.

Belly Button: Starting to pop.

Gender: Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: A nice alcoholic beverage and of course meeting our son! I am slightly dreading the labor part, but am looking forward to the light at the end. Oh.. and Darrell’s mom is going to be here tomorrow so she will be a huge help as we get the rest of our life ready for baby! So excited!

What I miss: Easily rolling over in bed instead of having to take a couple breaks to get the roll done. Darrell laughs because I usually have to reach over the side of the bed to grab the frame and help pull myself the rest of the way.

And just for fun…. A picture of the front view of my belly. I have a stretch mark at every point that I was given a shot for the fertility medications. It isn’t purty, but it’s my bellah!

38 Week Belly

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