Week 34

How far along: 34 weeks

Baby’s size: Cantaloupe – Your baby has bulked up like the average cantaloupe — to about 4.75 pounds. Length: almost 18 inches, head to heel

Sleep: I am still tossing and turning all night. It is getting harder to do that so I am ready to finish up the traveling and stay in my own bed for more than a few days.

Maternity Clothes: Yup. Almost down to just dresses fitting.

Food Cravings: None specifically.

Food Aversions: still spicy stuff, but that is about it. Got offered Beef heart stew and just couldn’t try it because I am not a fan of organ meat even when not pregnant.

Symptoms I have: Sore right hip, a very noticeable waddle, hungry all the time.

Doctor’s Appointment: Ultrasound today!!

Movement: Yup. He is definitely a mover. When I am sitting down other people can see him move a bunch.

Belly Button: Hasn’t moved since last week.

Gender: Boy!

What I’m looking forward to: Finishing getting the nursery ready and getting prepped for baby boy to come home.

What I miss: Being able to move stuff on my own without help. Unpacking would be so much easier if I didn’t need Darrell to move the boxes around for me.

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