We spent all weekend packing up the house. I am exhausted! We got a lot done, but we aren’t anywhere near done. We only have the office, living room and Kitchen pretty much left to pack. It is hard because we know we have 2 weeks left to pack, but we don’t want to wait until the last minute to do it. Of course I say “we” when I should probably say “I.” Darrell likes getting stuff done, but it isn’t quite as urgent to him as it is for me. I understand it. I think it is a little of that nesting starting to kick in. Either way we are both ready to be done packing, up there in a place and unpacked just waiting for Sprout’s arrival. We are thinking we probably won’t be at that point until middle of April at the earliest.

The cats are a little nervous about what is going on since there are boxes everywhere and things are slowly disappearing. We have been trying not to pack any of their stuff because (1) it will hopefully help them with the adjustment and (2) we are dropping them off at Lorna’s for a few weeks while we find a place in Seattle, so they will need their stuff there. We are trying to let them know they are still loved by giving them lots of attention and treats. We have to get them into a vet before we go so that will be a little difficult. They are constantly following me around and staring at me with those eyes. Those two weeks they are with Lorna might be harder on me than on them.

The frustrating part for me today is that we haven’t had a doctor’s appointment in 3 weeks. That is the longest we have gone this whole pregnancy without an appointment. I haven’t been too worried as I do feel Sprout kick on a daily basis, so I know that everything is ok. I spent all of last week anxious and so ready for today to be here. Today was suppose to be a Midwife appointment. I was excited to be able to go in and hear Sprouts heartbeat and know that the kicks I am feeling aren’t just a figment of my imagination. (Darrell has only felt them a couple of times, but not regularly) Well… Yesterday morning I got a text from the midwife saying that she was still in Arkansas waiting on her grandson’s delivery since he was late. I understand that there isn’t a clock that is perfect for timing when a baby will arrive. I’m just frustrated that I have to wait one more week putting us at 4 weeks from the last time we heard the heartbeat. I know that that is normal for many pregnant women who have to wait 4 weeks for their entire pregnancy until they hit the 3rd trimester, but I am not use to that. So, instead of one appointment each week from here until we leave, I have two next week (monday and wednesday) and then one on the Tuesday before we close.

So that is about all that is going on here at the moment. Packing and trying to figure out everything for our move. I really hope that the weather cooperates for us and we are able to do the drive Northwest instead of West and then North. Not that we don’t want to see family, but it will make it a shorter trip for us and the cats.

Back to organizing the office stuff for packing. Maybe we will get that done tonight or tomorrow.

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